Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Assalaamu’alaykum waRahmatullahi waBarakaatuhu!

I pray you are all well and this email reaches you in the best of Emaan (faith)...

What’s So Special About Dhul Hijjah? Anyway this Eid i cannot perform shallat Eid Dhul Hijjah coz i will on dialysis treatmenat..

What’s So Special About Dhul Hijjah?

The first ten days of this month are full of blessings and are very special for many reasons, as followed:

  • Allaah swears an oath by these 10 days, and when Allah swears an oath by something it indicates its importance and great benefit.
  • Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): “By the dawn; by the ten nights” [al-Fajr 89:1-2].
  • Ibn ‘Abbaas, Ibn al-Zubayr, Mujaahid and others of the earlier and later generations said that this refers to the first ten days of Dhu’l-Hijjah. Ibn Katheer said: “This is the correct opinion.” (Tafseer Ibn Katheer, 8/413)
  • The Prophet (sa) testified that these are the best days of this world and Allah has preferred them over all the other days of the year
  • The Prophet (sa) commanded us to recite a lot of Dhikr (remembrance) of Allah, example – Allahu Akbar, La elaha illallah, Alhamdulillah, Subhaanallah
  • These days include the Day of Arafaah, on which Allaah perfected / completed the religion of Islaam and fasting on this day will expiate for the sins of two years
  • These days include the pilgrims (hujjaj) performing Hajj in Mecca
  • These days include the Day of Sacrifice – Eid ul Adhaa

Ibn ‘Abbaas (may Allaah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (sallallahu'alayhi wasallam) said:

“There are no days in which righteous deeds are more beloved to Allaah than these ten days.” The people asked, “Not even jihaad for the sake of Allaah?” He said, “Not even jihaad for the sake of Allaah, except in the case of a man who went out to fight giving himself and his wealth up for the cause, and came back with nothing.”

Hadith Reported by Sahih Al-Bukhaari

Friday, December 7, 2007

Happy Together...HAhahahahaha!~

Miss her so much!!

Imagine me and you, I do
I think about you day and night, it's only right
To think about the girl you love and hold her tight
So happy together

If I should call you up, invest a dime
And you say you belong to me and ease my mind
Imagine how the world could be, so very fine
So happy together

I can't see me lovin' nobody but you
For all my life
When you're with me, baby the skies'll be blue
For all my life

Me and you and you and me
No matter how they toss the dice, it has to be
The only one for me is you, and you for me
So happy together

I can't see me lovin' nobody but you
For all my life
When you're with me, baby the skies'll be blue
For all my life

Me and you and you and me
No matter how they toss the dice, it has to be
The only one for me is you, and you for me
So happy together

Ba-ba-ba-ba ba-ba-ba-ba ba-ba-ba ba-ba-ba-ba
Ba-ba-ba-ba ba-ba-ba-ba ba-ba-ba ba-ba-ba-ba

Me and you and you and me
No matter how they toss the dice, it has to be
The only one for me is you, and you for me
So happy together

So happy together
How is the weather
So happy together
We're happy together
So happy together
Happy together
So happy together
So happy together (ba-ba-ba-ba ba-ba-ba-ba)

Friday, November 30, 2007

Dialysis Tak Ada Pulak Hari Sabtu nie

Ayo-ayo lama giler aku tak update blog nie. Sekarang aku agak busy ngan study aku,business online aku+ kesihatan aku pun kekadang kurang sihat.

Hari nie jumaat, patut nya esok aku gie dialysis tapi, HD Al-Ridzuan ada Team Building Course pulak so kene dialysis hari Ahad ler.. Aduh rosak program aku. Patut nye Sabtu nie aku mesti wat shooting montage untuk final projek aku. Kacau betul.

Nak tak kene jugak ler wat hari Sabtu jugak shoot,Ahad pagi aku terus gie ke dialysis center. Aku kene siap jugak Final Projek nie kalau tak, tak grade ler aku..

Hari jugak my parents, my sis n my bro (Ekmal) gie Key Ell sebab cousin aku kawin hari Sabtu nie. Aku nak ikut, tapi tak boleh sbb aku kene dialysis jugak adoi.. Udah lama aku tak gie Kell Ell, last April 2007 tue pun gie main gig.

Apa2 pun aku harap weekend aku best hendak nya!


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Friday, November 9, 2007

Kata-kata mengeratkan perhubungan


Bersedekahlah kepada orang lain lebih daripada yang mereka perlukan dan lakukanlah dengan penuh kerelaan.


Kahwinilah lelaki / wanita yang gemar anda berbicara dengannya, kerana kemahiran berbicara antara satu dengan lain akan menjadi lebih penting pabila usia semakin tua.


Usahlah mempercayai segala perkara yang anda dengari. Berbelanjalah sekadar apa yang ada atau tidurlah seberapa lama yang anda perlu


Apabila kamu berkata, " Aku Cinta Padamu", maka tunaikanlah.


Pabila mengatakan, "Maaf", tenunglah matanya.


Bertunanglah sekurang-kurangnya enam bulan sebelum kamu diijabkabulkan.

Percayailah cinta pandang pertama.


Usah tertawakan impian orang lain. Manusia tanpa impian tidak memiliki apa-apa.


Cintailah seseorang dengan sepenuh hati dan penuh kasih sayang. Sungguhpun anda akan berasa seolah-olah diri anda tersiksa, tapi percayalah itulah satu-satunya untuk melengkapkan kehidupan ini.


Jika berlaku perselisihan pendapat, bertengkarlah secara aman. Usahlah menyebut nama sesiapa ketika bertengkar.


Usahlah menilai seseorang berdasarkan peribadi keluarga mereka.


Berbicaralah dengan tenang dan berfikirlah dengan pantas.


Apabila seseorang bertanyakan satu soalan yang tidak anda gemari, lontarkanlah senyuman dan bertanyalah padanya,"Kenapa anda ingin tahu?"


Ingatlah bahawa setiap cinta dan pencapaian yang besar akan melibatkan pengorbanan dan risiko yang besar.


Ucaplah "Semoga anda diberkati" apabila mendengar seseorang bersin.


Apabila anda kerugian, janganlah jadi kurang ajar.

Berpeganglah kepada tiga R:
1. Rasa hormat pada diri sendiri;
2. Rasa hormat kepada orang lain;
3. Rasa tanggungjawab terhadap semua tindakan anda


Usahlah benarkan pertikaian yang sebesar hamamerosakkan sebuah persahabatan yang besar.


Apabila menyedari bahawa anda telah melakukan kesalahan, usahlah berlengah untuk perbetulkan kesalahan itu.


Tersenyumlah ketika menjawab telefon. Pemanggil akan melihatnya daripada suara yang mereka dengar.


Ada ketikanya anda perlu bersendirian.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

MySpace Catches a Murderer

MySpace has played an important role in helping Oakland police apprehend a 19-year old man accused of shooting a San Leandro High School football player Greg "Doody" Ballard, Jr.

Oakland police had a street name of a suspect and were able to identify Dwayne Stancill, 19 of Oakland from a picture they found on a gang's MySpace page. Police brought the suspect to their headquarters where detectives say he confessed. What was most troubling to investigators was the lack of motive for the killing.

**I found this news on net last nite ..huhuhuh..Cool eh!!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri 2007

Salam Lembaran Dari Andy aka Transparent0

Wednesday, October 3, 2007



Friday, September 28, 2007

Solat Tarawih berjemaah bidaah hasanah

Salam, hari nie tak banyak tenaga yang aku kuar kn. Cuma pagi tadi jer gie Wan Nong repair laptop Kak Aya. Sebenarnya aku nie jarang sangay baca paper, kalau baca pun bab bab sukan & isu dunia. Tapi la kan,aku ada terbaca sesuatu tentang Solat Terawih, mnarik jugak bulan Ramdhan menambahkan ilmu pengetahuan. Di petik dari Harian Metro: Variasi.

Solat Tarawih berjemaah bidaah hasanah

SABDA Rasulullah s.a.w. bermaksud: “Sesiapa mengerjakan solat malam dalam bulan Ramadan, sedang dia beriman serta mengharapkan rahmat Allah, akan diampunkan dosanya yang lalu.” (Riwayat Muslim dari Abu Hurairah r.a.)

Menurut ulama, solat malam atau dipanggil qiamullail membawa maksud menghayati setiap malam Ramadan dengan solat sunat, terutama solat Tarawih.

Perkataan 'Tarawih' ialah kata jamak dari perkataan tunggalnya 'tarwihah' yang bermakna berhenti rehat, kerana orang yang mengerjakan solat Tarawih berhenti sebentar setiap kali selesai mengerjakan empat rakaat dengan dua salam.

Solat Tarawih sunat hukumnya dikerjakan oleh lelaki dan perempuan. Ia boleh dilakukan di rumah seorang diri atau secara berjemaah, tetapi lebih baik dikerjakan berjemaah di masjid atau surau.

Dari Aisyah r.a., katanya: Bahawa Rasulullah s.a.w. pada suatu malam (dalam bulan Ramadan) ketika jauh malam keluar lalu solat di masjid dengan diikuti oleh beberapa orang lelaki sebagai makmum.

Pada keesokan harinya hebahlah peristiwa itu diperkatakan orang, lalu mereka berkumpul lebih ramai lagi (pada malam kedua) serta mereka bersolat bersama-sama Baginda.

Keesokan harinya hebahlah peristiwa itu diperkatakan orang, lalu bertambah ramai orang hadir ke masjid pada malam ketiga. Rasulullah s.a.w. keluar ke masjid lalu solat dengan diikuti oleh sidang jemaah.

Sampai malam keempat, penuh sesaklah masjid dengan jemaah (tetapi Baginda tidak datang) sehinggalah Baginda keluar ke masjid untuk mengerjakan solat Subuh.

Selesai solat, Baginda menghadap orang ramai lalu (memulakan ucapannya dengan memuji Allah dan) mengucap syahadah, kemudian Baginda (menerangkan sebab Baginda tidak datang ke masjid mengerjakan solat Tarawih bersama), sabdanya:

“Amma Ba'du, sebenarnya tidak terlindung kepada aku mengenai kedudukan kamu (sebagai orang yang taat dan suka berbuat kebajikan), tetapi aku bimbang (solat Tarawih) itu akan difardukan atas kamu, maka dengan itu kamu tidak terdaya mengerjakannya.”

Sejak itu solat Tarawih tidak dikerjakan berjemaah tetapi masing-masing mengerjakannya dengan bersendirian, baik di rumah atau di masjid.

Keadaan ini berterusan sehingga pada zaman Saidina Umar al-Khattab r.a. barulah solat Tarawih dilakukan berjemaah di masjid menurut seorang imam yang dilantik oleh beliau sendiri.

Dari Abdul Rahman bin Abd al-Qari, katanya: “Pada suatu malam dalam bulan Ramadan, saya mengiringi Umar bin al-Khattab ke masjid, tiba-tiba (kami) dapati orang ramai (di situ) berpecah-pecah kepada beberapa kumpulan berasingan, ada orang yang solat seorang diri, ada pula yang solat lalu diikuti oleh beberapa orang.

(Melihatkan yang demikian) Saidina Umar berkata: “Aku fikir, kalau aku kumpulkan mereka ini semuanya berimamkan seorang imam, tentulah amalan itu amatlah baiknya.”

Kemudian beliau mengambil keputusan lalu mengumpulkan mereka semuanya berimamkan Ubai bin Kaab.

Selepas itu, saya mengiringi Saiyidina Umar pada suatu malam yang lain (pergi ke masjid), (pada ketika itu) orang ramai sedang solat berimamkan imam mereka (yang terbabit).

(Melihatkan yang demikian) Saidina Umar berkata: “Amalan ini satu perbuatan bid'ah yang baik...” (Hadis Riwayat Bukhari)

Menurut huraian ulamak, perkataan 'bidaah yang baik' disebutkan oleh Saidina Umar r.a., ialah arahannya mengenai “solat Tarawih dengan berjemaah” selepas beliau menjadi khalifah Islam.

Saidina Umar mengaku arahannya itu 'bidaah' tetapi ia 'bid'ah yang baik' (bidaah hasanah) kerana dapat menyatupadukan umat Islam dan kerana itulah ia diterima dengan ijmak oleh sahabat Nabi yang ada pada zamannya serta diwarisi umat Islam.

Begitu pun dari segi bilangan rakaat ada banyak keterangan mengenainya. Tetapi menurut yang dipilih dan diamalkan kebanyakan ulama dari kalangan mazhab Syafie, Hanafi dan Hanbali ialah 20 rakaat berdasarkan amalan sahabat Nabi dalam zaman Saidina Umar.

Dari Al-Sa'ib bin Yazid r.a, katanya: “Mereka (sahabat-sahabat Nabi) biasanya mengerjakan solat Tarawih dalam bulan Ramadan - pada zaman Saidina Umar bin al-Khattab, sebanyak 20 rakaat ..” ( Riwayat Baihaqi)

Imam Baihaqi menyebutkan satu hadis lagi yang diriwayatkan Imam Malik dan Yazid bin Ruman, katanya: “Biasanya orang ramai mengerjakan solat Tarawih dalam bulan Ramadan - pada zaman Saidina Umar r.a. sebanyak 23 rakaat ...”

Dalam ulasannya, Imam Baihaqi berkata: Kedua-dua hadis terbabit (tidak bercanggah) malah boleh disatukan kerana mereka mengerjakan solat Tarawih sebanyak 20 rakaat (seperti yang tersebut dalam hadis pertama), kemudian mereka mengerjakan solat Witir tiga rakaat (seperti yang tersebut dalam hadis kedua).

Solat Tarawih sebanyak 20 rakaat ialah pilihan mazbab Syafie, Hanafi dan Hanbali berdasarkan hadis terbabit.

Menurut mazhab Maliki pula, pada mulanya solat Tarawih dikerjakan sebanyak 20 rakaat juga, kemudian ditambah 16 rakaat disertakan dengan tiga rakaat solat Witir menjadikan jumlahnya 39 rakaat.

Tetapi menurut sesetengah ulama rahimahullah, solat Tarawih boleh dikerjakan sebanyak lapan rakaat dan boleh dikerjakan sebanyak 20 rakaat.

Mengenai lapan rakaat, mereka menerangkan: Menurut beberapa hadis sahih, Rasulullah s.a.w. mengerjakan solat Tarawih sebanyak lapan rakaat disertakan dengan tiga rakaat solat Witir.

Kata mereka lagi: Menurut hadis sahih, sahabat Nabi mengerjakannya sebanyak 20 rakaat dalam zaman Saidina Umar r.a.

Ada pula segolongan kecil yang terdorong membidaahkan amalan solat Tarawih sebanyak 20 rakaat, kerana dakwa mereka hadis yang menjadi dalilnya bukan hadis sahih.

Ahli fiqah dan ahli hadis yang masyhur, menegaskan bahawa hadis terbabit sahih dan mereka menyajikannya dalam kitab mereka sebagai dalil bagi solat Tarawih sebanyak 20 rakaat yang mereka amalkan.

Di antaranya ialah Imam Syafie (lebih suka mengerjakan 20 rakaat solat Tarawih), Imam Nawawi (menerangkan dalam kitabnya bahawa menurut mazhab Syafie, bilangan rakaat solat Tarawih ialah 20 rakaat dengan 10 salam selain daripada (tiga rakaat) solat Witir).

Kesimpulannya, solat Tarawih 20 rakaat ialah 'sunnah sahabat Nabi' kerana ia dilakukan oleh Saidina Umar dan sahabat Nabi yang ada pada zamannya, termasuk Saidina Uthman dan Saidina Ali r.a.

Satu hadis riwayat Tirmidzi, bahawa Rasulullah s.a.w. pernah menegaskan (maksudnya): “Hendaklah kamu menurut sunnahku dan sunnah khalifah-khalifah al-Rasyidin. (yang datang kemudian daripada aku).”

Apa pun, solat yang sempurna dan mendapat ganjaran ialah yang dikerjakan dengan tenang dan khusyuk, sempurna bacaannya dan sempurna segala-galanya, malah hati ikhlas beribadat kerana-Nya.

P/S: Semoga kita sesama mendapat keberkatan di bulan Ramadhan..InsyaAllah..

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Geram, Marah Yang Teramat Sangat

Salam, agak busy akhir akhir nie. Virus yang menyerang PC Wan Nong dah settle, Kak Aya pun berpuashati, dapat ler aku bayar. Cua masalah nye printer jer. Tengok ar hari Rabu nie aku datang lagi ke Wan Nong.

Title kat atas tue bukan ada kaitan ngan Wan Nong Haemodialysis Center ke, Kak Aya ke nie pasal pembunuhan adik Nurin. Hari ini genap 3 hari arwah adik Nurin disemadikan. Dalam tempoh itu pembunuh maha zalim yang memperkosa dan menamatkan riayat hidup gadis manis masih bebas. Huh! Binatang sungguh! Tempoh itu juga seluruh rakyat berdoa dan mengadakan solat hajat agar si laknat itu segera ditangkap. Kalau aku dapat, perghhh! Hanya tuhan yang tahu apa yang aku nak buat. Aku rock2 jugak tapi bab2 dera2, rogol ke, bunuh ke, aku panas hati jer dengar nye. Dah tue budak kecik lagi, apa lah salah dier.Aku kalau bab2 budak kecik ngan pompuan nie aku lemah sikit. Masih ada sentimental dalam diri woo..ish!ish!!

Apa pun, aku percaya si laknat itu, akan ditangkap tidak lama lagi. Aku baca paper hari nie, Polis berjanji akan menagkap si laknat dah selesai kan kes ini seberapa segera. Ermmm...walaupun, banyak kes2 seperti ini sukar dapat diselesaikan. Aku Harap sangat, bukan aku sorang jer seluruh rakyat Malaysia dalam @ luar kes Nurin dapat diselesaikan. Gua yakin pada kecekapan Polis DiRaja Malaysia.(wlpn aku sidikit temper ngan polis nie)

Dapat aje si laknat nie bicara cepat, kasi sebat, rantai, gantung pembunuh tue jangan kasi peluang.Aku tahu negara kita ada undang2, kene ikut prosedur itu ini, tapi bagi kes ini kene cepat di selesaikan. Sekaang nie pun ada pulak ura2 nak dakwa family mangsa. Dengan alasan cuai. Apa kejadahnya. Yang cakap nie boleh kata la x terjadi kat diorang@family diorang. Kalau jadi kat diorang baru dier tahu. Aku bukan apa, masa2 nie ler baru diorang nak bangkitkan isu.Tak da otak ke?!!

Boleh kata, "Undang-undang tetap undang dan kita kena ambil tindakan kerana Rukun Negara kita adalah untuk menegakkan undang2"..Apadahell!!!!! OOO!! Ini baru undang2 la yea..abis tue kes2 yang laen bukan tak ada undang2 ke..tutup sebelah mata jer ek..Come lah..stop the nonsense!! Ish!! Malas aku dah..

Apa yang aku tahu aku tak setuju kalau family arwah adik Nurin didakwa. "Cuai" sangat relatif ler berilah definisi yang tepat sikit jangan nanti ada jer "cuai" dakwa jer..Cam nie mereka pun boleh kene ler jugak heehehehe..pikir sendiri ler korang pun ada anak + cucu.. Satu lagi media nie uish!! Pun satu cam orang yang tulis berita ini tak da family jer..ada jer cari salah orang. Gua tahu korang cari berita jaga ler sikit sensitiviti masyarakat kita..jgn ingat nak untung jer.

Dah aku maleh nak merepek dah, aku harap si laknat tue ditangkap secepat mungkin. Amin!

Al-Fatihah buat arawah Adik in peace sayang! Amin!

P/S: Sendiri mau ingat ler oi!!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Kau Masih Kekasih Ku..Huhuhuhu

Nothing much..Oklah this music video i dedicated to someone i really admire & i love so much. What ever you do, where ever you stay i always be with you even you don't know. :)


Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Sampai Kapan Lagi..

Salam, Alhamdulillah hari nie puasa yang 7. Ermm..lama gak ek aku x post kt sini. Al-Maklum ler busy cikit. Hari x da dialysis so aku puasa ler hari nie. Aku tido pun hari nie lepas sahur, senang terus solat subuh sekali. Pukul 10:30pg aku dah bangun..aduh pening aku kepala aku. Mandi mandi siap gie Yik Yong cari cartridge Lexmark E220. Cari punya cari x jumpa lagi, mereka kata xd stock ermmm..nak wat cam dah xda. Kak Aya message aku, tanya nak datang pukul bape, dier kata pukul 12:00 boleh? Aku jawab ler yea ok aja.. Hah! Nak tahu aku gie mane? Aku gie Wan Nong Heamodialysis Center, aku skunk nie tengok tengok kan PC diaorang yang kene virus tue. Skunk nie Kak Aya yang in charge..rase cam nak tukar sana jer balik. Tapi tengok ler kalau Dr.Mohamed Ello nak in charge patient kat situ aku tuka ler. Senang sikit dekat jer ngan umah aku.

Kul 12:00 tgh aku dah ada kat Wan Nong, masa ku aku datang Ema ngah wat keje taip surat. Comey budak nye, tapi comey lagi "she" hehehehehe (Gilo bayang aku nie). Biaq pie ler. Kak Aya tanya ada ke cartridge tue, aku cakap ler tak ada. Aku bagi ler suggestion suruh tuka printer baru..alah printer skunk nie pun dah murah dah. Kak Aya kata kene tanya Doc Gedut dulu. Lepeh tue aku wat keje aku. Instal AVG Free Versin ngan Spyware Terminator. Hais tue aku check2 pergh memang banyak virus nya, trackking code giler banyak. Nie keje En. Ezry ( ex-in charge) kuat bebeno tengok porn. Keje aku tak abis lagi, sambung bila aku free nanti.

Pukul 3:40 aku dah ada kat umah pergh penat wei. Sampai jer aku solat Zohor dulu, afta relax2 jap..layan Adik di 9..Layan katun ler. Abis SpongeBob, solat Asar plak..Ngantuk dah, aku mandi ler lagi best.

Malam cam besa la bulan Ramadhan gieTeraweeh. Abis tue lepak stall. Boring! dah ar panas..baik aku balik layann internet :)

Tetiba plak teringat kat "she" ..Sampai kapan lagi ek kita ketemu.. ????

Slank - Ku Tak Bisa

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Hari Jumaat Yang Tenang

Salam, Alhamdulillah hari ke 2 Ramadhan. Hari aku puasa wei..Yahoo! Hehehehe..Hari ini Jumaat. Kalau korang nak tahu hari jumaat ler yang paling tenang. Sebab apa aku kata cam tue. sebab esok dah cuti dah, dah masuk hari minggu. Kalau korang tak percaya, orang yang berkerja yang paling gembira sebab dah cuti esok hari nye sama gak ngan budak2 sekolah hehehehe.. Lagi satu hari Jumaat korang akan rase redup je, kalau ujan pun ujan dier sgt ler harmoni nye hahahaha.

Wah! Syok nye hari Jumaat. Hari Jumaat kene pie Solat Jumaat. Bestkan, kita boleh tengok masjid penuh. Dengar pulak khutbah alahai ada masuk pengethuan sikit dan bagi rasa kesedaran pada diri kita. Kekadang kita lupa apa yang penting dalam hidup.Idak ler asyik ingat duit je. :). Jumaat ada lah hari yang paling istimewa.

Tetapi di negara-negara barat yang kebanyakan penduduknya beragama Kristian, ada sesetengah orang yang percaya akan tahayul percaya jika hari Jumaat jatuh pada 13hb, hari itu dianggap hari yang malang. Di dalam agama Kristian juga, ada satu hari perayaan yang jatuh pada hari Jumaat yang dipanggil Good Friday. Good Friday jatuh pada hari Jumaat sebelum Easter.

Hari Jumaat merupakan hari kelepasan am/hari bekerja separuh hari bagi negeri-negeri di utara dan pantai timur Semenanjung Malaysia. Ah! Lagi hari Jumaat, korang boleh usah awek-awek yang ayu sebab kebanyakan mereka pakai baju kurung. Tak ke ayu tue. Cantik jer. (Aku suka awek pakai Kebaya ..hehehe)

Meh aku cerita Kelebihan Hari Jumaat dari sudut Islam.

Imam Al-Ghazzali berkata bahawa Nabi s.a.w. bersabda yang bermaksud sebaik-baik hari yang terbit padanya matahari adalah hari Jumaat.Pada hari itu dijadikan Adam a.s. dan pada hari Jumaatlah terjadinya kiamat.

"Sesungguhnya hari Jumaat adalah penghulu segala hari dan semulia-mulia hari di sisi Allah."

Imam Al-Ghazzali menambah bahawa Kaab Al-Ahbar (seorang tabien dan ulama yahudi yang memeluk ugama islam pd zaman Saiyidina Abu Bakar) berkata burung-burung dan haiwan apabila bertemu satu sama lain pada hari Jumaat mengucapkan "Selamat, selamat hari yang baik".

Imam Al-Ghazzali juga berkata malam Jumaat mempunyai banyak kelebihan dan disunnahkan pd mereka yg mempunyai isteri bersatu pd malam itu.

Doa Antara Dua Khutbah

Kebanyakan ulama berpendapat waktunya adalah antara dua khutbah, iaitu pd saat imam sedang duduk setelah khutbah pertama sebelum beliau bangun utuk khutbah kedua. Saat inilah saat yang paling dimustajabkan doa.

Sedekah Pada Hari Jumaat

Bersedekah membawa pahala yang besar. Ia menjauhkan bala, menjauhkan penyakit dan mendekatkan diri kepada Allah. Apalagi jika dilakukan pada hari Jumaat. (Tambah pulak di bulan Ramadhan lagi ler berlipat ganda)

Mati Pada Malam Jumaat

Hadis nabi "Tidak seorang muslim yg mati pada hari Jumaat atau pada malam Jumaat kecuali diselamatkan Allah daripada fitnah kubur".

Kelebihan Menunaikan Sembahyang Jumaat

Nabi bersabda "Barangsiapa yg dapat menunaikan sembahyang Jumaat maka baginya disisi Allah pahala seratus orang yg mati syahid. Dan barangsiapa meninggalkan sembahyang Jumaat sebanyak 3 kali tanpa darurat, maka Allah akan mengecap hatinya".
Ibadah pada hari Jumaat.

Perjalan ke masjid - adalah sunnah mengambil jln yg jauh tetapi apabila pulang sunnah ambil jln yang dekat - Imam Al-Ghazzali.


Sabda nabi "Banyakkanlah berselawat ke atasku pd hari Jumaat kerana sesungguhnya ia adalah hari saksi (hari Jumaat) disaksikan oleh para malaikat.

Mandi dan Pakaian

Sunnah pada hari Jumaat memakai pakaian yang bersih, baru dan berwarna putih.

Memotong Kuku

Ibn Masud berkata "Mereka yg memotong kuku pd hari Jumaat, Allah akan sembuhkan dia dari segala penyakit dan berikannya keselamatan.

Wah! Hebat kan Hari Jumaat, :)

*Aku gie Terawih hari nie, abis aku buat..Alhamdulillah**

* Still miss sumone**

Friday, September 14, 2007

Ramadhan, Dialysis & Aku.

Salam, hye Alhamdullilah hari(smlm) kta dah masuk 1 Ramadhan. Aku bersyukur sangat aku menemui Ramadhan lagi tahun. Nie Ramadhan yang ke 6 tahun sejak aku sakit buah pinggang. Aku harap Ramadhan kali nie membawa kelainan dalam hidup aku.

Hari nie (smlm) aku ingat nak puasa tapi my mum tak kejut kan aku sahur. Pagi ini (smlm) aku kene gie dialysis. Kene datang awal seawal 6:30pg dah aku kene berada kat Haemodialysis Center. So, kira nya awal Ramadhan nie aku tak berpuasa ler. Aku bangun pukul 5:30pg, terus je bangun mandi siap2 terus solat Subuh. Ngam2 pukul 6:00pg aku dah gerak ke Al-Ridzuan Haemodialysis Center di Ipoh. Lebih kurang (kalau jalan x jam ler) 30-45minit dari umah aku.

Aku sampai kat sana tepat jam 7:00pg. Perghh..ramai gak yang datang awal. Aku mula dialysis pukul 6:40pg. 4 jam oooo kene diaysis. Aku x puasa hari nie. Seperti yang aku kata tempoh hari, hari aku kene amik darah (blood test), banyak juga yang diorang amik. Harap harap HB aku elok ler, kalau tak masuk wad ler aku. Tak sanggup dah masuk wad. Fiza? Nurse Fiza ada hari nie, alahai lemah lembut betul dier..tapi skali marah gempa bumi ooo..(aku raser ler). Tiba2 plak rindu plak pada Staff Nurse Kak Aya. Kak Aya dah ditukar handle Haemodilaysis di Batu Gajah(my hometown), tempat aku dialysis dulu sebelum tukar ke Al-Ridzuan.

Badan aku rasa laen cam plak, aku suruh Nurse Fiza off aku. Rasa nak kejang jer. Kejang plak tue kat dada. Rasa pening pun ada. Hari aku dialysis tak abis pun 4 jam, stakat 3 jam 20 minit jer. Dah aka tak larat, nasib baik tak puasa kalau tak tentu aku flat punya.Arggghh..pening pulak..Drive balik.

Sampai umah terus masuk bilik rehat jap. Online Myspace balas komen Ieta n As dn ramai lagi ler.Dah melalut plak aku..Ringkas nye hari nie aku tak puasa, TAPI esok pasti aku puasa, n hari jugak dh mula ada kelas dah> Lepas berbuka aku terus gerak ke kelas. Balik relax2 jer...

Ermm..hope tomorow is better than yesterday!

P/S: Missing sumone la...huhuhuhuhu

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Kelebihan Bulan Ramadhan

Salam semua, hye hehehe..hari nie aku nak post kisah bulan Ramadhan. Ok ek harap kita ambil berkat dari nya. :) Mari kita renung bersama.

Peperangan Di Bulan Ramadhan: Kelebihan Mujahid

Kisah peperangan yang berlaku di bulan Ramadhan sedikit sebanyak perlu kita sebutkan agar semangat jihad dapat ditiupkan dijiwa mukmin yang percayakan hari qiamat. Bulan Ramadhan bukanlah musim merehatkan badan kerana letih berpuasa dari makan dan minum, bahkan bulan ini mendidik kita agar lasak dari jihad dalam diri (rohani) dan jihad yang di luar (jasmani).

Kemenangan diri menghadapi segala bentuk bujukan nafsu akan membolehkan kita mencapai kemenangan yang lebih besar. Sekalipun kita kecil tapi bilangan yang besar bukanlah tanda kemenangan dan lambang kekuatan, sebaliknya hal yang sebegini perlu kita nilaikan dengan sebaik-baiknya.

Mari kita perhatikan beberapa peperangan yang berlaku dibulan ini, dan kejayaan muslimin terhadap musuh-musuh Islam, antaranya ialah medan pertempuran:

1] Badrul Kubra, pada 17 Ramadan tahun 2 hijrah. di antara 313 mujahidin dan 1000 orang musyrikin mekah. yang dipimpin oleh Rasul SAW sendiri.

2] Pembukaan kota Makkah, pada 20 ramadan tahun 8 hijrah. Nabi SAW bersama 10 ribu mujahidin menuju ke Makkah, dengan kemenangan ini maka bertukarlah kiblat utama umat Islam itu dari pencemaran berhala serta ideologi yang sesat kepada satu kesucian tauhid yang berpaksi kepada Allah semata, bermula dari detik inilah Islam mula berkembang ke pelusuk alam.

3] Al Qadisiyyah, pada tahun 15 hijrah. antara 30 ribu mujahidin dengan 120 ribu tentera Majusi maka terhamburlah satu kata-kata yang masih diingati oleh setiap pemuda Islam yang cintakan Allah dan RasulNya dari generasi ke generasi, dari seorang utusan Islam kepada kerajaan Parsi sebelum berlaku pertempuran itu, dengan katanya: "kami datang untuk mengeluarkan seluruh manusia daripada menyembah sesama manusia kepada menyembah Tuhan manusia (yang sebenar= Allah SWT). Dari kezaliman agama-agama (ideologi dan manhaj yang menganiayai manusia) kepada keadilan Islam serta membebaskan manusia dari kesempitan dunia kepada keluasan dunia dan akhirat". Allah hu Akbar!!!

4] Pembukaan Andalus Islamiyah (Spain), pada 28hb Ramadan tahun 92 hijrah. diketuai oleh panglima masyhur Tariq b Ziyad bersama 12 ribu mujahidin menghadapi seratus ribu tentera goth di bawah pimpinan Roderick, selama 8 hari mereka bertempur dan akhirnya mujahidin syahid seramai 3000 orang dan kemenangan berpihak bersama mereka. dengan jumlah 9 ribu mujahidin tersebut mereka membuka semenanjung Iberia dan mengislamkan Andalusia.

5] Az Zallaqah, pada hari jumaat 25hb Ramadan tahun 479 hijrah. antara mujahidin menentang 80 ribu tentera portugis yang dipimpin oleh alfonso ke 6. dan dinyatakan bahawa hampir ke semua tentera musuh berjaya dihapuskan.

6] Ain Jalut, juga pada hari jumaat 25hb Ramadan tahun 685 hijrah. di antara mujahidin yang diketuai oleh sultan Quthuz dan panglima perang az Zhohir Baybars dengan tentera mongol/tartar. Dengan kemenangan ini menjadikan kemaraan tartar yang dianggap ya'juj ma'juj itu dapat dihalang dari terus menghentam setiap negara Islam yang lain.

7] Hittin, pada bulan Ramadan tahun 584 hijrah. Kisah kemenangan medan ini menyebabkan pihak tentera salib tidak lagi berani untuk cuba menyerang negara Islam. mujahidin diketuai oleh Sultan Salahuddin yang berjaya melumpuhkan kekuatan tentera salib, hampir 30 ribu orang berjaya dibunuh, ribuan lagi ditawan dan hampir 3 ribu orang berjaya diislamkan.

8] Perang Arab-Israel, 10 Ramadan 1393 hijrah. Kemenangan tentera Islam dalam menentang kemaraan israel dalam merebut terusan Suez sebagai jalan utama menawan laluan perdagangan dunia.

Beginilah kemampuan mujahidin yang berpuasa di sepanjang tarikh dan sejarah Islam, demi meninggikan panji-panji jihad dan kalimatuLlah di muka bumi ini. Dan inilah bukti kekuatan dan kemenangan bagi muslimin yang beriman.

Diceritakan oleh Yahya b Soleh menceritakan fulaih mengkhabarkan Hilal b Ali dari Atho' b Yasar dari abu hurairah r.a. katanya: telah bersabda Rasul SAW: "Barangsiapa yang beriman dengan Allah dan RasulNya, mendirikan solat dan berpuasa dibulan Ramadhan maka adalah hak Allah untuk memasukkannya ke dalam syurga, berjihad di jalan Allah dan bermukim di tanah kelahirannya, maka mereka bertanya: Ya RasuluLlah! apakah kami boleh menceritakan berita gembira ini kepada orang lain?,

Lantas Baginda SAW menyambung lagi: “sesungguhnya di syurga itu 100 darjat ditinggikan kepada mujahidin fi sabiliLlah, antara dua darjat itu adalah bagaikan langit dan bumi, maka apabila Allah bertanyakan kamu, mintalah kepadaNYA syurga firdaus kerana ia adalah syurga yang pertengahan dan syurga yang tertinggi sekali, aku melihat di atasnya Arasy Allah ar-Rahman dan darinya terpancar mata air anak sungai di syurga". [Bukhari]

Berjihad di jalan Allah dan bermukim di tanah kelahirannya= hendaklah kita membantu saudara kita yang tergolong dalam kelompok minoriti di negara kuffar, di sinilah bermulanya tarbiyah jihad bagi diri kita. segala pertolongan perlu kita salurkan buat mereka, tidak kira di mana sahaja mereka berada...... inilah dunia Islam yang kompleks.

waLlah hu alam
intahal kalam

Ya Allah..kurniakan kami keberkatan bulan ini, terimalah ibadat kami, bantulah kami melakukan puasa dan solat di dalamnya..amin..

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan al- Mubarak

Salam, wah penat giler hari nie, gie dialysis pagi tadi. Balik rumah sampai kul 12:30tgh. Samapi je rumah makan ubat dulu then launch ler. Makan nasi goreng je. Argghhh! penat sangat ler plak hari nie. Masuk bilik buka jap PC usha Myspace ngan Multiply jap. Kat multiply aku upload lagu As I Lay Dying album baru. An Ocean Between Us tajuk album nye. August 21 dah kluar nye. Line up baru, bassist lame dah tumpu pada family jew kata mereka ler.

Wah! Hari Khamis nie start ler puasa. Yahoo!! bulan puasa ler best, makanan x ingat hahahaha. Tapi, aku harap sangat aku dapat puasa ler tahun nie. Cam tahun lepas boleh kira bape kali je aku puasa. Aku harap xda ler aku rasa cold je bila nak puasa. Eh! Aku bukan sengaja x nak puasa le..ada sbb aku kekadang tue x boleh puasa. Aku sakit ler, tapi bukan alasan kan. Aku nak try gak puasa tahun nie. Amin!

Anyway aku ambil kesempatan ini untuk mengucapkan Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan al-Mubarak ke semua muslimin dan muslimat seluruh dunia, semoga Ramadhan ini memberi kejayan kepada kita semua.. Amin!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Aku Merasa Ku Kenal Dia!

Hye, hari nie(smlm) aku balik dr Shah Alam. Aku gerak dari Shah Alam pukul 11:30pg. Kawan2 aku dh gie keje dah masa aku bangun tue. Ed pesan campak kunci balik dalam rumah. Pergh! Aku balik sorang2 je. Sebab John dah gerak dah semalam. Nasib baik ler Station Bus Shah Alam dekat je ngan umah membe aku. Kalan kaki berape langkah jew dah sampai.

11:30pg bas meninggalkan Shah Alam. Aku naik Perak Roadway. Seat aku 21. Mula2 tue ada chicky duduk sebelah aku, lepas je Sunway chicky tue duduk tempat laen. Alah, cam ler aku nak ngorat, aku xda mood nak ngorat ler..x nk pun hehehehe. Aku rase chicky tue student UITM Shah Alam.

Alhamdulillah, pukul 2.30ptg aku dah sampai Ipoh. John dah tunggu dah. Aku ajak John gie GM, sbb aku nak cari kabel usb handphone aku. John drive, aku smoke some cigarrate. Sampai GM, usha2 ler handset skali and chicky sekali. Usha je, bukan luak pun..hehehehe. Tanya punya tanya, satu kedai pun xda jual kabel tue.Hampeh betul! Tapi, kami jumpa Atan Misai pulak. atan anta handset dier rosak. Aku ngan John blah, Atan tinggal sorang. Aku pun mase tue dah mgantuk dah.

Balik Batu Gajah aku yang drive. Anta John, sampai umah pukul 3:45ptg. Mak aku gelakkan aku pulak sbb Perak kalah. Aduh pedih nye. Tapi aku enjoy, sebab suasana kat Stadium laen dude! Feel semacam hehehehe.. Benda yang 1st aku buat bila sampai umah,aku makan hehehehe..Lapo ler..lepas tue layan katun di TV9.

Aku ingat nak tido, tap tengok jam pun dah dekat nak Magrib. Aku buka jap internet, usha aku nye Myspace, balas comment2, tutup aku relax jap.

Lepas Magrib aku layan TV je, tah aku pun x tahu nak wat ape. "She" ermmm..x jumpa mase kat Shah Alam. "She" keje maybe "she" penat. Takpa ler..nak wat cam ne ek..Move on je ler!

Malam kul 11:30 aku keluar jap lepak stall. Kul 12:30 aku balik dah. Still penat & sleepy.

Apa2 pun hope 2moro something nice will happen..I hope! :) Da!

Saturday, September 8, 2007

WOW! WoW! Auw!

Hahahaha..apa lar nye boring giler hari nie. Hari cam besa aku bangun kul 11 am, mandi + siap2 nak gie beli tiket bas. Aku nak gie Shah Alam esok(hari nie), nak gie Bukit Jalil nak tengok final Piala Malaysia antara Perak VS Kedah. Aku gie ngan John, Tuan Haji & Eddy tunggu saner.

Tiket bola Tuan Haji yang nak beli. Ermm..baik aku jejalan lagi pun bukan ada aktiviti aper pun.
Dapat jugak beli tiket bas, naik kul 1:15pm. Harap esaok xda masalah apa2..InsyaAllah..Amin!

Lepas balik dari beli tiket bas, lepak umah cousin aku datang. Maen2 jap ngan anak dier. Then dier ajak aku gie airport gie amik hubby. Kluar lagi aku...huhuhuh penat oit. Samapi umah kul 8:00pm..lepak layan citer Holes kang kul plak aku kene gie amik bapak aku.

Arggh! Ngantuk..esok nak gie dialysis dulu..afta baru gie Shah Alam..
(Hope to "she")


Friday, September 7, 2007

Sweet September I Hope :((

Hello, i really hate my life!

Monday, August 13, 2007

Whoa!! HitMan Ot Hate Me

Heya! ermm so long not see..hahahaha. Actually im kind not well need take a break. Need to make myself stronger because im alone now..huhuhuhu!.

Ok, actually i have post about Hitman (movie) Wah!! i can't wait to see this movie. The movie will follow the international assassin known as Agent 47 who works for a mysterious organization dubbed the Agency.

Adapted from the popular game franchise.

Wow!!Sorry guys no Vin Diesel

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Korn - Untitled 2007(NEW ALBUM)!

In the song ‘Evolution,” Jonathan Davis lyrically speaks to mankind’s distinct lack of evolution--while the entity known as Korn has made amazing progress since their self-titled 1994 debut. That growth is evident on the 13 tracks populating Korn’s untitled, eighth studio albumThe follow-up to 2005’s multi-platinum See You On The Other Side, Korn’s latest, Davis says, is “about us growing up and our minds opening up more. We weren’t necessarily worried about ‘oh, is this too poppy? Or too this or that? We started thinking that way when ‘Got The Life’ came out and we thought, ‘oh, we can’t put this out, it’s got a disco beat and it’s too dancey.’ It made us scared. But that’s something we like doing,” he emphasizes. “If we do a song and put it out and we’re not scared about it, I guess we’re not doing it right, because we always want to evolve, experiment and change.” Further proof of that credo? The lack of an album title. “This album felt like it didn’t need to have a title or boundaries,” Davis says. “We thought it would be cooler for fans. Metallica had a Black album, the Beatles had a White album, and Peter Gabriel put out a bunch of albums he didn’t title. We’re throwing it out there and letting people use their minds and imaginations.”

The experimentation, change and growth doesn’t stop there. Guitarist Brian “Head” Welch left the band in 2005, and drummer David Silveria has been on a hiatus from Korn since 2006. Davis notes: “The dynamics and chemistry have of course changed, and it’s reflected musically and creatively on this album. Munky has done an amazing job taking on all the guitar duties; he’s really grown as a player. We’ve all had to step it up, and the core of us--me, Fieldy and Munk--we share a passion. I don’t think we’d be alive if we didn’t have our music and weren’t able to do this.”

In 2007, that passion is channeled into the making and release of the band’s triumphant untitled album and the 2007 FAMILY VALUES TOUR which last year sold close to 500,000 tickets. The groundbreaking festival was founded in 1998 by Korn and management company the Firm. Korn, who have sold more than 25 million records worldwide and earned six Grammy nods and two wins to date, have upped the ante with each successive record and project, always innovators in the use of media, fan interaction, collaborations, business models, and most importantly, music. On the untitled album, produced by innovative British programmer/remixer Atticus Ross with The Matrix also taking production credit on 4 of the album’s key tracks, band favorites include “Starting Over,” “Hold On,” and “Innocent Bystander.” Shaffer notes, “Musically, I feel our last record was songs we wrote and put on an album, whereas this time it’s much more cohesive; you have to listen to the whole thing for it to tell the story.” From the record’s “Intro,” the tone is set—the creepy demented circus-influenced ditty portends what’s to come, which includes the primal industrial power of “Starting Over,” which is balanced with the song’s haunting bridge section and beefy bottom end. With ambient touches, cool melodies and the return of Davis’ bagpipes, Korn’s newest may be its most dynamic and experimental effort. Of course, that’s not unexpected, coming off the heels of the MTV Unplugged: Korn release, which debuted Top 10 in the Billboard 200 in March, 2007.

Since the band’s inception Davis has been venerated for his visceral personal tales, and on the new untitled album, he does not disappoint. “Innocent Bystander” is self-referential, as he sings, “I’m a spectator/the motivator.” Davis explains: On the road, he is (and has been for several years) completely sober, but that said, he laughs, “I love to pour drinks, roll joints, do whatever to get the party started. But I am now the ‘innocent bystander.’” “Innocent Bystander,” with its raw, taut musicality and insinuating riffs, even contains a Korn first—a guitar solo. Then there’s a song that’s in the signature Korn style, “Hold On,” which takes its cue from death metal, a genre that Davis loves. That commanding, aggro vibe of the dramatic and epic “Hold On” was achieved with the help of one of the three drummers on Korn’s latest album: Terry Bozzio (Frank Zappa, Missing Persons), Brooks Wackerman (Bad Religion, Suicidal Tendencies) and even one Mr. Jonathan Davis, in his first recorded drumming since Issues. Bozzio is on “Hold On,” and Davis raves, “Terry has gotta be the best drummer in the world; he brought a more progressive feel to the band. His drum kit was huge, and all the colors and sounds he made pushed our music in different directions we might not ever have thought about going.” Adds Fieldy, “The drums are amazing on this new album; you get a big variety instead of just one drummer doing the same style throughout.” Playing live drums for Korn on tour is another stellar player—Slipknot’s Joey Jordison, who jumped at the chance to tour with a band he cites as one of his main musical influences Rounding out Korn’s touring line up is Clint Lowery of Sevendust on guitar and keyboardist Zac Baird. In addition to Zac being on the road with the band since 2005, he played keyboards and took on writing chores for the new album.

With all the successful and liberating change evident on the untitled record, one thing remains constant: Davis does not shy away from exploring his anger, inner life and the painful closeness between love/hate, which made the singer both famous and infamous thanks to songs like “Daddy,” “Shoots and “Ladders” and “Hollow Life.” On the untitled CD, the songs “‘Ever Be’ and ‘Love and Luxury’ “are me, venting about our ex guitar player. I didn’t get it all out on the last record!” Davis laughs. “This is the last time I’ll write about it, and I love the guy; I’m glad he’s happy and doing his thing.” “Evolution,” a grooving, heavy and strong representative kick-off for the album, is the first single. Musically, Davis says, “I wanted to stay away as much as possible from just beating on cymbals, which just make this crazy white noise over the music, and you can’t really hear what's going on. Lyrically, ‘Evolution’ is about us as a human race, who has basically not evolved since monkeys. If you look back and compare us, animals and humans are pretty much the same.” An apt analogy is also drawn in “Killing.” “A bird on a wire, you have a gun pointed at it, but it sits there and stares at you. The same goes for people--we like to take abuse, that’s our human nature, our trained response. Anything horrible happens to us, we’re preset to reset to dumb.” Another intensely personal track is “Starting Over,” which was inspired by Davis’ near-death experience with ITP, a blood disease that struck the frontman while on tour in Europe.

In their 14 years of togetherness, the L.A.-based lineup has both survived and thrived, and the songs on the untitled record are rife with detritus of decadence and lessons learned. That fervor and authenticity is felt and appreciated by both fans and peers, Korn’s groundbreaking sound spawned a plethora of imitators. But the fans know where it began, and show their loyalty. “Now we have a new generation of young kids at our shows,” observes Davis. “When we started, most of our fans were 14, 15, and now they’re lawyers and doctors who are bringing their kids. We’re transcending generations. It’s cool.” And Korn will not disappoint. On the 2007 FAMILY VALUES TOUR, the band serves up its biggest stage show ever, and in the set list are songs they haven’t performed in 10 years. “It’s definitely different for us. Fans are going to be very happy,” believes Davis. “The statement Korn wanted to make with this record and tour was, ‘yes we're down three members, but we're still very creative and still love making music.’ We're so happy to be doing this 14 years later. This is our eighth studio album, but eleventh release overall. [And eight of those releases sold platinum or platinum-plus]. What a career, and we don't see any end coming soon! I measure my success by challenging myself and seeing if I can help take Korn to new levels,” Davis concludes. “If we wrote the same records over and over but were still commercially successful, I would consider that a personal failure.”

Friday, July 20, 2007

Fuel Girl From OctaneTV : Von Flshback

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Happy Sadly "She"

Hello guys,
arggh long time no see. Many thing happen lately. Quite frustrated. "She" not my "She" anymore. Not much i can say, about what really happen. I still love and care about her, but the nature has spoken. Dam! it' hurt me much.

What i do? I learn Spanish now..hahahaha very fun stuff. I need do something to forget about "she". Fuck! Always happen to me like this. I know who i am.

To "She", hope you "happy" with your life. You will get whatever you want now. Do what ever you like. I'm just idiot!

Happy Sadly "She"

Hola tipos,

mucho tiempo de arggh no ve. Mucha cosa pasa últimamente. Completamente frustrado. "Ella" no mi "Ella" más. No mucho puedo decir, sobre lo que realmente pasa. Todavía amo y cuidado de ella, pero la naturaleza ha hablado. ¡Presa! esto' hizo daño a mí mucho.

¿Qué hago? Aprendo el español ahora .. hahahaha muy materia de diversión. Tengo que hacer algo para olvidar "de ella". ¡Joda! Siempre páseme como este. Sé a quién soy.

"A Ella", esperanza usted "feliz" con su vida. Usted conseguirá lo que usted quiere ahora. Haga lo que alguna vez le gusta. ¡Soy sólo el idiota!

Feliz Tristemente "Ella"

Monday, July 16, 2007

Beneath The Remains - Trapped


Friday, July 13, 2007

Click Ticking Fast

Quite while im not here. Feel so boring!!

Looking Back: Five Breakup Signs

How to tell when you're about to get the boot
By Elina Furman

One day, you are madly in love. You're cuddling on the couch, reading love poems and feeding each other sushi. And that's when it happens: Your partner sits you down for the "It's-Not-You, It's-Me" talk. You're confused and left wondering, "How could I have missed the signs?"

Breaking up is never easy. Your ego and heart are bound to get bruised. But if you could just see the breakup coming, it might make the whole business easier to stomach.
While hindsight is 20/20, there are always warning signals
While hindsight is 20/20, there are always warning signals along the way.

Top five signs you're about to get dumped

1. Picking fights. No one is saying you have to get along 24/7. Constructive conflict can actually be good for your relationship. But if you find that your partner has become argumentative over petty issues like your clothes or choice of restaurant, that should serve as a warning sign that he/she may be looking for an excuse to bail.

2. Forgetting to call. Used to be that your phone would ring all day long with your sweetie wanting to make plans or calling just to say, "I love you." Now your significant other doesn't even call when he/she is running three hours late. It may seem obvious, but going from speed dial to a blocked number is a sure sign that your relationship may be nearing its expiration date.
3. Changing their stripes. A major change in appearance can be a sign that your partner is looking toward greener pastures. Whether they've chopped off their hair, lost 40 pounds or gone from a bold brunette to a sultry blonde, major cosmetic changes should be noted. Of course, there's nothing wrong with being a little vain, but if the change is accompanied by any of the other signs listed here, you may need to get ready to go solo.

4. Criticizing. If your sweetie isn't feeling you anymore, don't be surprised if he/she becomes less tolerant of everything, from how you brush your teeth to how you tie your shoes. Constant criticism is a telltale sign that your days as a twosome are numbered.

5. Losing sexual interest. A healthy sex life can make or break a relationship. If you find that your partner is becoming more sexually aloof, you need to get to the root of the issue. While it's natural to have less sex as you settle into a comfortable groove together, waiting weeks or months to have sexual contact is a sign that something is amiss.

Now that you know the warning signs, don't panic. Just because your partner exhibits some of these behaviors, that doesn't necessarily mean the relationship is over. In fact, it's usually a combination of signs and not one isolated incident that foreshadows a breakup.

If you're worried that your partner is itching to get out, the most important thing you can do is sit down and discuss your issues in an honest and open manner. If you take these signs as your cue to improve communication, your relationship may just have a fighting chance.

Relationship and life-skills expert Elina Furman is the author of "Kiss and Run: The Single, Picky, and Indecisive Girl's Guide to Overcoming Her Fear of Commitment." She has written and co written more than 20 books and has appeared on more than 100 national and local television and radio shows, including The Today Show, Good Morning America and The Early Show. Her books have been featured in Time, The New York Times, Cosmopolitan, Newsweek, USA Today and Fortune. She is online at

Monday, July 9, 2007

Hehehehe I LOVE Sunday

STARSAILOR - Silence is Easy

Yuhuuuu!! I don't why am so happy today. Hope the bright alwiz with me hehehehe.

I get up early today, about 7:00 am i already get up. Watch my face, get some smoke hehehehehe no lah smoke is bad hahahaha. Why am so happy today? I don't why maybe got something special will happen .. i guess..

Yeah!! What a wonderful day today. Ya know what? It's secret ma.. just me & God know why hahahaha.

Nothing to say any more.. enjoy this music clip from StarSailor - Silence is easy

Friday, July 6, 2007


Greeting from me..

Arggghh!! My back pain come again. Shut!! Very pain lor. Must always lay back on my bed.
Don't want think about that much. So, today i went to dialysis. As usual this treatment make me blur, always blur. Arghh!! Make spec broke again, and i didn't again, what so careless I'm.

I thought this Sunday i will going to Nilai, but the trip has been cancel. Bosan nye!! Better planning to do something interesting this weekend.

I want to watch Transformers this weekend but all my friend already watch that movie. Arggh!! Once again I'm late to take advantages hahahahaha.. Never mind, i will download it soon.

Ermm..yesterday while i surfing i found this site KUASAFOREX.COM. I read it page by page how this man generate income on FOREX. Look good to me. So, i decide to buy it. Acctualy, i really want learn FOREX. The cost of this e-book is USD$30 = RM97. So, think why not give a try.

Now, i got the e-book. Wah!! WTF? This book is good as admin told. Every single page, i learn it. But, i didn't decide to start trade in FOREX. I must learn it 1st, study pace of FOREX.
1st i want to open demo account 1st, to learn a FOREX. It's take time, i know it!
But, if he can why not me?? I believe myself than i believe on other. I know myself better than you! Hehehhehe!!

May Allah s.w.t bless what ever I'm doing!

Must lay back now, my back pain is come..huhuhuhuhu!


Wednesday, July 4, 2007

My Indentity Stolen?? Bourne Is Back!!

The Bourne Ultimatum

Finally this movie will come out soon. Can't wait to watch this movie. Little bit about Bourne Ultimatum.

The Bourne Ultimatum is based on Robert Ludlum's best-selling novel of the same name. Matt Damon stars once again as Ludlum's signature character, amnesia-suffering assassin Jason Bourne. Julia Stiles, David Strathairn, Scott Glenn, Paddy Considine, Edgar Ramirez, Albert Finney, and Joan Allen co-star. Paul Greengrass will direct from a script by Tony Gilroy and George Nolfi. Universal Pictures is scheduled to release the film on August 3, 2007.

The Plot ( I discover with movie website)
Rogue agent Jason Bourne (Matt Damon) is being hunted by the people in the CIA who trained him to be an assassin. Still suffering from amnesia and determined to finally learn of his true identity, he is lured out of hiding to contact a journalist named Simon Ross (Paddy Considine), who has been following his story. Throughout his research, Ross has gathered valuable information about Bourne and Treadstone, which trained him. This is rather inconvenient for U.S. government official Noah Vosen (David Strathairn), who is hoping to start a new organization under the codename Blackbriar (which is briefly mentioned at the end of the first film) which would follow in Treadstone’s footsteps.

With intent to kill Bourne and the journalist before they expose the program’s disturbing secrets, Vosen sends agent Pamela Landy (Joan Allen) to lead the search effort. Simultaneously, Paz (Edgar Ramirez), one of the remaining living Treadstone assassins, is dispatched to find and neutralize Bourne and Ross. In order to finally learn of his true origins and find inner peace, Bourne will have to evade, out-maneuver, and outsmart the deadliest group of highly-trained agents and assassins yet.

^ The Bourne Ultimatum. Universal Studios

Sleepy Hollow

Hahahaha..what a day. Sleep lor..very sleepy!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Just For Laugh

Doctors & Lawyers

A lawyer and a doctor are at a party. A woman approaches the doctor and asks him how she should treat a particular ailment. The doctor offers an opinion.
After the woman walks away, the doctor asks the lawyer, "Do you think I should send her a bill?"

"Of course." says the lawyer. "She asked for your advice and no doubt will act on it."

On Monday morning the doctor arrives at his office and issues the woman a $50.00 bill.

That afternoon he receives a $100.00 bill from the lawyer.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Free My Mind + Free Jimmy

Free Jimmy Trailer

Argghh!! Today is lovely Sunday.Just spend my time watch movie. Today i watch Free Jimmy movie.Free Jimmy a Norwegian film released in 2006. It is Norway's first computer animated feature film, the second most costly Norwegian film to date, having cost in excess of 100 million Norwegian kroner (app. 16 million USD). The film is written and directed by Norwegian Christopher Nielsen, with English screenplay by Simon Pegg. Voice actors include Woody Harrelson, Kyle MacLachlan, Samantha Morton, Simon Pegg, David Tennant and Jay Simpson.

The Voice actors for the Norwegian version included Kristopher Schau, Jan Sælid, Are&Odin, Egil Birkeland, Terje Ragner, Anders T. Andersen and Mikkel Gaup.

The plot of this movie, Roy Arnie has a dream of one day running his own circus and conquering the world. He and his friends, Odd, Gaz (Geir) and Flea are uprooted from their mean city streets to work with Ringmaster Stromowski (Jim Broadbent) in a touring Russian circus in terminal decline. The star attraction is Jimmy, an elephant kept ‘happy’ on a cocktail of drugs. But Roy Arnie has a dream that one day he will run his own circus and he tells the boys that the key to his dream is Jimmy. On the opening night a bungled attempt to give Jimmy his ‘fix’ causes widespread panic. Jimmy escapes and so begins a mad cap cross country road-trip to find Jimmy before he goes cold turkey.

Suddenly everyone wants a piece of Jimmy. A deranged bunch of animal activists led by clean living, straight edged couple Marius and Bettina are after Jimmy to front their cause. A trigger happy hunting party think his head would look great mounted on their wall and the Sami Mafia want to ‘hit’ him for a big payoff. Jimmy’s only chance is a benevolent moose who befriends him on the road.

Dude this has won an Amanda in the category "Best Film" in 2006 & Awarded "Le Cristal du long métrage" at Annecy International Animated Film Festival 2007.

My rating 6/10..good la for animated movie genre! 18PL ya!!

Friday, June 29, 2007

Rest In Peace My Uncle & Bob My Friend

Today, in early morning my uncle passed away. Nothing much i can say. He died because of old matter. He died on very lovely Friday. May Allah s.w.t bless him.

Past day i lost one of my friend, because of diabetes. None of my friend told me that, really disappointed. To Bob, rest in peace.

Very Busy Day

very tired lor dialysis today. Maybe a to fluid out of body. But, it ok lah. After, finish dialysis, i thought want to buy a floor mat for my small car. I cancel it because it to hot today. I felt sleepy too.

At home, open my computer to check Maybank acc balance, because i got paid today. I join My50club (only in Malaysia). Recently i this my 5Th times i got paid. It good program to earn money from home. For all Malaysian out there, we should support this program if it to hard for you just join my team My50Club. I will find a referral for you.

Huh! After that, i m watching movie called Hot Fuzz. Very funny lor this movie & mystery too!

Oh ya! I got class today, Elementary Analysis.

Wooohhh!! So sleepy better get a sleep coz tomorrow i going to watch Transformers!


Thursday, June 28, 2007

Joke of the Day

Joke of the Day


Two mothers are talking about a friend who has just given birth to triplets.

"You know, that only happens one in 12,000 times," says one.

"Amazing," says the other. "How did she ever find time to do any housework?"

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

It's My Birthday!!

Happy birthday to me!! 26 now. It too old? No!! I don't think so. It my birthday but no celebrate or gift what so ever. To whom wishing me thank you. Really appreciate it!

My wish on my birthday, hope all my dream all come true. Amin!

Have a good day! Da!!

To "she" really miss you & thank for the wishes!

Monday, June 25, 2007

She I Lurve

wah..i met "she" today. At her home, just a while, really miss "she". We talk about our relationship. Sometimes angry, sometimes laugh. Felt like disappointed, but went i look "she" faces feel like "ah!! Why she make this face", Her sweet face make drown..

To "she" i really need you & i always thinking about you!

Tired lor..gtg!!


Sunday, June 24, 2007

Joke of the Day

~Read It & Laugh it~~


Once George Bush Jr. visited an elementary school to talk to a group of 3rd graders. He said to them, "Today we are going to discuss the difference between a tragedy, a great loss and
an accident".

Then he said, "Can anyone give me an example of a tragedy?"

A little boy raises his hand and says, "If a kid runs out in the street after a ball and gets hit by a car."

Bush says, "No, that would be an accident. Can anyone else try?"

A little girl raises her hand and says, "If a busload of kids drove off a cliff."

Bush says, "No, that would be a great loss. Come on, anyone else?"

A boy raises his hand and says and says, "If you and Mrs. Bush was on a plane and it blew up."

Then Bush says, "Well, Yes, but can you tell me why it would be considered a tragedy?"

And the little boy says, "Well, it wouldn't have been an accident, and it sure as heck wouldn't have been a great loss."

Know Your Kidney

Ok,i just want to let you know about our kidney. Acctualy i don't want any of you be like me. I spent most my time on dialysis, so i thought this post might save your kidney..enjoy reading.

An organ involved with the elimination of water and waste products from the body. In vertebrates the kidneys are paired organs located close to the spine dorsally in the body cavity. They consist of a number of smaller functional units called urinary tubules or nephrons. The nephrons open to large ducts, the collecting ducts, which open into a ureter. The two ureters run backward to open into the cloaca or into a urinary bladder. In mammals, the kidneys are bean-shaped and found between the thorax and the pelvis. The number, structure, and function of the nephrons vary with evolution and, in certain significant ways, with the adaptation of the animals to their various habitats.

In its most primitive form, found only in invertebrates, the nephron has a funnel opening into the coelomic cavity followed by a urinary tubule leading to an excretory pore. In amphibians, some of the tubules have this funnel, but most of the tubules have a Bowman capsule (see illustration). In all higher vertebrates, the nephron has the Bowman capsule, which surrounds a tuft of capillary loops, called the glomerulus, constituting the closed end of the nephron. The inner epithelial wall of the Bowman capsule is in intimate contact with the endothelial wall of the capillaries. The wall of the capillaries, together with the inner wall of the Bowman capsule, forms a membrane ideally suited for filtration of the blood.

The blood pressure in the capillaries of the glomerulus causes filtering of blood by forcing fluid, small molecules, and ions through the membrane into the lumen of Bowman's capsule. This filtrate contains some of the proteins and all of the smaller molecules in the blood. As the filtrate passes down through the tubule, the walls of the tubule extract those substances not destined for excretion and return them to the blood in adjacent capillaries. Many substances which are toxic to the organism are moved in the opposite direction from the blood into the tubules. The urine thus produced by each nephron is conveyed by the collecting duct and ureter to the cloaca or bladder from which it can be eliminated.

In all classes of vertebrates the renal arteries deliver blood to the glomeruli and through a second capillary net to the tubules. The major blood supply to the kidney tubules comes, however, from the renal portal vein, which is found in all vertebrates except mammals and cyclostomes. Waste products from the venous blood can thus be secreted directly into the urinary tubules.

Hope you all learn something!! Da!

Friday, June 22, 2007

Yesterday was about honor. Today is about justice

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Wednesday, June 20, 2007


so what is this? This is a Newsletter Jun 2007, i got
it coz i sign up to receive this letter. It' wrote by Dr.Irfan Khairi one of
Malaysia Internet Millionaire. So i decide to post it here, so that can share
the info.

Sorry this newsletter are in Malay. Enjoy reading!

2 tahun lepas, November 2005, Mingguan Malaysia pernah menemuramah

SOALAN: Apa makna wang pada Irfan?

"Walaupun saya kata wang perkara kedua dalam hidup, tetapi saya
tidak pernah ada tanggapan negatif pada wang. Sesetengah orang
kata, duit banyak bukan boleh bawa masuk ke kubur. Tetapi kita kena
terima hakikat dengan duit, kita boleh buat keluarga gembira selain
kalau kita mati pun, wang masih berguna kerana kalau kita ada
yayasan, ia masih boleh membantu kerana ia merupakan amal jariah
berterusan kita."

SOALAN: Pernah terfikir untuk menubuhkan yayasan sendiri?

"Memang ini sebahagian daripada perancangan saya. Dan saya rasa ini
konsep yang sepatutnya mereka yang mampu, amalkan."

Andy, ingin saya berkongsi dengan anda bahawa kini, selepas
hampir 2 tahun temuramah tersebut, saya telahpun memiliki yayasan
saya sendiri- YAYASAN ILHAM BUDI. Dengan Yayasan Ilham Budi, ia
akan menjadi satu platform untuk saya memberi balik kepada
masyarakat atas rezeki yang dikurniakan.

Salam hormat & terima kasih atas sokongan. Semoga artikel saya kali
ini "5 LANGKAH MEMBINA MINDA JUTAWAN" dapat anda manfaatkan.

-Dr.Irfan Khairi

Oleh: Dr. Irfan Khairi

Andy, pernahkah anda bayangkan, apakah sebenarnya di dalam
minda seorang jutawan? Apakah persediaan minda yng dilakukan untuk
menjadi seorang yang berjaya?

Pernahkah anda dengar cerita tentang seseorang yang tiba-tiba
mendapat durian runtuh (dari segi kewangan, bukan durian!), tetapi,
tidak lama kemudian segala yang dimiliki hilang dan dibelanjakan
entah ke mana?

Ini adalah kerana minda seseorang itu belum bersedia menerima
situasi durian runtuh tersebut. Maka, terjadinya konflik antara
minda yang belum bersedia dan tingkah lakunya.

Tulisan saya kali ini adalah berdasarkan kajian yang dilakukan
keatas orang-orang yang berjaya, tidak kira jutawan, ahli sukan,
personality atau ahli politik. Teknik yang sering digunakan dalam
menguasai minda di gelar NLP (Neuro linguistic programming).
Artikel ini menyentuh satu cara menguasai minda yang sering
digunakan dalam mempersedia dan mencapai apa sahaja kejayaan.

Fikiran manusia adalah sesuatu yang amat kompleks di mana ia
dikatakan manusia belum lagi menggunakan kuasa minda sepenuhnya.
Minda anda adalah sesuatu yang amat canggih sehingga tiada komputer
di dunia dapat berfungsi seperti minda anda. Bagaimanakah caranya
menggunakan kuasa minda untuk berjaya? Berikut adalah 5 langkah
untuk membangunkan minda jutawan...

LANGKAH 1: Penuhi fikiran anda dengan apa yang anda mahukan.

Ia dikatakan bahawa seseorang itu akan menjadi apa yang
difikirkannya pada kebanyakan masa. Apa yang anda sering fikirkan?
Usahawan yang berjaya sering memenuhi mindanya dengan kejayaan
berurusniaga. Ahli sukan yang berjaya sering memenuhi mindanya
dengan gambaran memenangi pingat.

Ahli sukan popular, Lance Armstrong pernah menghidap penyakit barah
yang amat serius sehinggakan para doktor menganggap beliau tidak
akan dapat meneruskan hidup. Lance Armstrong bukan sahaja
membuktikan beliau boleh pulih dari barah, tetapi dengan
menggunakan teknik memenuhi fikirannya dengan gambaran kejayaan
dalam bidang lumba basikal, Lance kemudiannya memenangi
pertandingan basikal yang paling sukar sekali, iaitu Tour de France
sebanyak 7 kali!

Dengan memenuhi minda anda dengan apa yang anda mahu, ianya akan
menjadi sebahagian dari minda separuh sedar anda sehingga minda
anda sendiri akan mendorong anda mencapai apa jua kejayaan.

LANGKAH 2: Sebutkan dengan jelas

Sebut dan luahkan secara verbal dengan jelas apa yang ada di minda
anda. Ini adalah kerana, dengan menyebut, minda akan berfungsi
dengan lebih sempurna. Teknik ini digelar teknik affirmation.
Teknik ini merupakan kata-kata yang membantu dalam membangunkan
diri sendiri. Affirmation yang paling popular digunakan di dunia

"In every day and every way I am getting better and better".

"Setiap hari, dan setiap cara, saya menjadi insan yang semakin baik"

Ianya adalah penting untuk kata-kata anda adalah sesuatu yang
benar. Maksudnya, sekiranya setiap hari anda menjadi semakin malas,
maka, kata-kata itu tidak akan membantu, tetapi hanya akan
mengurangkan motivasi anda oleh kerana minda akan menemui konflik.

Sebagai contoh, sekiranya anda menyebut berulang kali "Saya akan
pergi ke Gym untuk bersenam dan menjadi semakin kuat", tetapi anda
hanya duduk di rumah dan bermain Playstation 3 anda 24jam sehari,
kata-kata affirmation tersebut tidak akan membantu anda. Malah,
ianya akan mengurangkan motivasi anda.

Apabila memberi affirmation, sebutkan yang benar sahaja seperti
"Saya kini tiada wang, saya perlu menyiapkan novel saya yang akan
membantu dalam kewangan saya!". Kemudian, terus ke komputer anda
dan mula kerjakan novel anda itu!

LANGKAH 3: Bayangkan anda berjaya mendapat apa yang anda inginkan

Dalam minda, anda perlu membayangkan masa hadapan di mana anda
dapat melihat bahawa anda telah mencapai kejayaan tersebut.
Sekiranya anda inginkan kemewahan, bayangkan dalam 10 tahun lagi
apa yang anda telah capai, mungkin rumah banglo 3 tingkat bersama
swimming pool dan 3 buah kereta mewah di garage. Sekiranya anda
seorang ahli sukan, maka bayangkan anda memenangi acara anda.
Berdiri di podium dan disarungi pingat emas.

Lebih jelas anda menggambarkan bahawa anda berjaya mendapat apa
yang anda ingini, maka, lebih hebat minda anda akan berfungsi untuk
mencapai cita-cita tersebut. Bayangkan suasana, waktu, warna, cuaca
dan sebagainya dengan jelas.

Lebih lama anda dapat menyimpan gambaran ini di dalam minda anda,
lebih hebat efeknya kepada anda. Simpan gambaran tersebut selama 1
minit... 5 minit... 10 minit dan sebagainya. Seorang pemain bola
sepak terkenal sebelum memulakan perlawanan bola sepak, menyimpan
gambaran kejayaannya di padang dalam kepalanya selama 90 minit-
iaitu jangka masa seluruh perlawanan!

Kekerapan anda menggambarkan ini juga akan membantu, di mana
sekiranya anda lebih kerap membayangkannya setiap hari, maka, ia
akan mudah menjadi untuk anda. Jangan lupa- anda akan menjadi apa
sahaja yang anda fikirkan pada kebanyakan masa.

LANGKAH 4: Masukkan emosi

Manusia adalah insan yang beremosi. Emosi digunakan untuk membakar
semangat anda dalam mencapai apa sahaja kejayaan. Dalam memikirkan
apa yang anda mahu, affirmation, dan juga membayangkan anda
mencapainya, masukkan unsur-unsur emosi di dalam kesemuanya.

Menurut Abraham Maslow, emosi adalah asas utama yang membentuk
hireraki keperluan Maslow. Bayangkan diri anda gembira, keluarga
anda gembira, teman-teman anda mengucapkan tahniah, seluruh suasana
di sekeliling anda yang gembira dengan pencapaian anda. Ketika
affirmation juga, luahkan dengan penuh semangat dan emosi oleh
kerana ianya akan membantu anda.

Emosi dalam setiap langkah ini bagaikan minyak membakar motivasi

Langkah 5: Percaya dan yakin ini terjadi

Langkah terakhir, adalah dengan gambaran apa yang anda inginkan,
kata-kata affirmation yang bermakna, visual di dalam minda anda
telah mencapai apa yang anda inginkan bersama emosi yang membakar,
kesemuanya adalah tidak guna sekiranya anda tidak percaya dan yakin
anda akan berjaya.


Kejayaan adalah keadaan minda. Dengan menguasai minda anda, iaitu
dengan cara anda berfikir, anda juga boleh membangunkan minda
jutawan di dalam fikiran anda.

Bagaimanakah langkah-langkah ini membantu anda? Bayangkan scenario
ini yang saya pasti anda pernah lalui.

Anda bangun dari tidur dan mendapati jam loceng anda tidak berbunyi
dan anda kini lewat untuk satu temujanji yang penting! Apa yang
terjadi? Dengan serta merta anda keluar dari katil, menyiapkan diri
anda dengan pantas. Secara tiba-tiba anda mengerah seluruh tenaga
anda untuk memotivasikan anda memenuhi temu janji itu, bukan?

Cuba fikirkan, adakah ketika itu minda anda dipenuhi dengan
langkah-langkah di atas? Sudah tentunya. Sebaliknya, anda boleh
menggunakan langkah-langkah ini untuk memotivasikan anda mencapai
kejayaan yang anda inginkan.


Dr. Irfan Khairi adalah penulis buku "Rahsia Jutawan-Jutawan
Internet Terbongkar" dan penceramah/speaker pakar dalam bidang
membina kekayaan & kejayaan. Untuk Maklumat lanjut, sila lawati dan Sekiranya ingin
mendapatkan perkhidmatan beliau, hubungi Shah di 016-6966644

Suite #322, No. 30 Ground Floor, Jalan
25/70A , Desa Sri Hartamas,
50480 KL

Monday, June 18, 2007

I Lovin it!! Mcd rawk!!

Peace Train by Yusuf Islam (Especially for my Father)

ermm actually very boring, just spend my time surfing & wash my car. Feel like want fucking around but so lazy la today.So, all day long i just "lepaking" at home.

At night after update my another blog, i went out with bunch of my friend. We "lepaking" at Mcd. One of my friend treat us. Wahhh!! Mcd my fav!!
But, we eat to much..hahahahaha!! Banyak yang x abis kome!!

So, we decide to make a picture of house using fries, very nice. I will upload it photo soon.

OK lah I'm tired, better get a sleep..


*lepaking=wasting time with/at friend/places!

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Sick Sad Liitle World

Incubus - Sick Sad Little World Live

nothing much to do.
Quite busy with my human activity..
Anyway, visit my myspace page ya..& add me ya!

sick n tired on promosies..
sick, hearing the same talk..
sick, reading the same paragragh..
sick, waiting for someone..
sick, face the same deja-vu..
sick, listen to old crap!!

This world is a drought when out of love
I'm making a choice to be out of touch
Leave me here alone..
Sick sad little world

Sad, because of u..
Sad, think about you..
Sad, wonder where u are..
Sad, somebody when somebody leave..
Sad, somebody forget..
Sad, not in same turf..

This world is a drought when out of love
I'm making a choice to be out of touch
Leave me here alone..
Sick sad little world

Little, late to say the word..
Little by little..
Little one die everdays..
Little wowowowowowowo..
Little uncomfort
Little to my heart..

This world is a drought when out of love
I'm making a choice to be out of touch
Leave me here alone..
Sick sad little world

World, full of bad thing..
World, our world is different..
World, to good to be truth..
World, just for while..
World, lost love..
World, here m sleep to transfer..

This world is a drought when out of love
I'm making a choice to be out of touch
Leave me here alone..
Sick sad little world

~Truly Not Copyscape~
Transparent_O n Idea from Sick Sad Little World - Incubus!
Tah ape2 tah!!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

My Kidney I Love You

No Underwear..Ouchh!!
(This is my vid on YouTube,please comment&rate it.I added it on January 19, 2007. My user nama is Movierteknik)

i dude,

I love my kidney, but if i love it early maybe I'm not depend on dialysis now days.
God have Greater plan for me. Now i learned more responsible to my body.

After finish high school(1998), my sports life is miserable. I very lazy to take care of my life.In past I'm very active person in school sports activities. I played soccer, rugby, hockey and blah blah sports la. But the most sports i love most is Rugby!! I love to get rough & dirty or maybe sexy sometimes hahahahaha!!

Heehaw..the past has left so far behind, but my future still in the run. I hope i will keep stronger & patient with my life.

This is my advise, take care our body part from now!! Especially your kidney & heart!!

May God bless we all! Amin!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Never There

CAKE - Never T"she"re
**This song is so sad. But it makes me smile.wierd how that happens :D **

"Every tear is a sign of brokenness,
Every silence is a sign of loneliness,
Every smile is a sign of kindness,
Every sms is a symbol of remembrance"

Sms is a symbol of remembrance?? Aren't they? ermmm.. it depend!! What i think is if sms is really a symbol of remembrance, it not good enough to remember someone!! But i don't says it not good it just not good enough. I repeat it not just good enough.

Everyday we have 24 hours a days, aite? Every week we have 7 days. aite? 24/7!! What i want to write here is, if you have someone you care most, you love most..your families, your boyfriend, your girl friend, yours what so ever. Call them, it more appreciate!!

Now days, around the world got communication, cellphone, Internet, ym & im, skyppe, 3G whatever it call communication. I know sms is cheap and easy to use, but it not really describe a feeling!! Sometimes it mean different to someone.

So, what i want to write here is, call them. Because, when you call,they will appreciate it most.
It will like you're closed to them. Express you feeling more. Even you call just for a while. It's so mean to them you love & care most!!

Everyone busy, everyone got work! But is not a excuse to express you're feeling!!

Friday, June 8, 2007

Friday is the best day of the week

Friday Prayer Beautiful Recitation

Nothing much today. I woke up, take bath then went to Mosque, because today is Friday. So, i went to Friday prayer. Ermm..let me explain to you'll about Friday prayer or in Malay Solat Jumaat.

Hurmm.. little bit about Friday Prayer must known!!
The Prophet Muhammad (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) described the tremendous status of Friday:

"The best day on which the sun rises is Friday. On this day Adam was created, on this day he entered paradise and on this day he was expelled from it. On this day the Hour (of judgement) will be established. Friday contains an hour during which no Muslim slave (of Allah) prays asking Allah for a good thing except that Allah will grant it to him." (Collected by At-Tirmidhi and others)

another one

Imam Bukhari and Muslim reported that Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) had said,

"We (Muslims) came last and yet we are the first on the day of judgment. They have received the books before us (meaning Torah and Injil). We have received the book after them (meaning the Qur’an). Friday was their day to be glorified. However, they disputed on that while Allah had told us Friday is the day to glorify. Thus they will follow us. The Jews glorify Saturday, and the Christians glorify Sunday."

The word Friday (jumuah) in Arabic comes from a root word that means, "to gather, bring together or congregate". One of the special characteristics of Friday is the congregational sermon (khutbah) and prayer. The sermon is a great blessing indeed; it provides teaching for the ignorant and reminding for the forgetful. For most Muslims, the Friday Prayer is the primary connection to the mosque and by extension the Muslim community. For this reason it is critical that both the khateeb (preacher or orator) and the congregant understand the guidance Islam has provided regarding the etiquette's and rulings of the Friday Prayer.

The first person to conduct the Friday Prayer was none other than our beloved Prophet Muhammad (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). He used the Friday Prayer to teach and exhort his noble companions, and to strengthen their relationship with Allah. We must strive to learn from this example. OK!

It is an obligation for men (and is recommended for women) to perform Jumu'ah in congregation (jama'ah) at a mosque. Women also have the option of performing the dhuhr prayer instead, either privately or in a mosque. Anyone who is unable to join a congregation for jumu'ah is required to make up the prayer with a regular dhuhr prayer.

Among what is considered an acceptable reason for missing jumu'ah is for the person to be sick in a way that going to the mosque is either a serious hardship on him or potentially harmful to other people (e.g. having a contagious illness).

The jumu'ah prayer is shorter than the dhuhr prayer (consisting of two raka'ah instead of four) to allow for the weaker seniors and juniors to participate, and it is preceded by a sermon (khutba) delivered in two parts by a speaker (khatib).

The sermon, which is a technical replacement of the two reduced raka'ahs of the ordinary dhuhr prayer, is followed by a communal prayer, led by the (imam). In most cases the khatib also serves as the imam.

The sermons often have a strong practical slant, trying to integrate and apply Islamic beliefs and historical teachings into contemporary daily life. In many Islamic societies, jumu'ah often has a significant community or even political role.

That what i know la..but it the truth!!


SANTAPAN TERAKHIR RAJA BERSIONG - Raja Bersiong Last Desert hahaha!!

SilKhannaz-Santapan Terakhir Raja Bersiong

Hey dude!! What a day today!! I get up early, went to dialysis, get my blood test again (I hope nothing bad happen after blood test result came out) , after dialysis went to x-ray at PCSH. This is my 30 times i take x-ray since i doc diagnose me got end stage kidney failure!! Ermmm..i start dialysis on Feb 2001 till know am still dialysis patient!! Almighty Allah s.w.t has gave me patient to fight this disorder!! Only Him i trust!!

After x-ray, went home, surf Internet for a while get some rest & 630pm went to my college to finish my vid project. But still not yet finish coz got problem with Adobe Premier..shut!!

After class straight back home, recall "she" coz my mum told me, "she" call me but not answers, then "she" call my mum. To "she" be careful always, this is wild world & full of cruelty!! Actually, I'm not in good mood to call "she", but i force my self to call "she"..."she" take ya!!

That all for today's I'm so sleepy, coz i didn't sleep last nite!! Da!!


Thursday, June 7, 2007

Crawl through knives


Arghhhhhhhhh!!! Headache!! Tense!! please go away!!

Ermmm.. today vemma send me email you got paid!! Shit!! Why now? After i cancel my account i got paid!! Really arse!! Then came another email, from vemma company base at M'sia, wrote please provide us with your name, acc no, & bank details.. what the hell!! After i cancel baru nak bayar ke!! Yuck!!

Don't know le how much they'll pay me!! Arghhh!! tension tol!! I need the money sucker!! Just know promise, but not done anything to help!! Blah ler!!

This day's from morning till now i looking for nu business to explore. But i can't find one. If you're out there find nu business to explore give me a ping ok!!

Oh! ya, this month i will make a blood test & i hope my blood ingredient is good also hope my blood sell is better than ever..i don't like go to ward again!! For, ya info, i just back from ward coz i got infected my virus, but not to serius..just a couple day's at ward. Now, i feeling better..

Enjoy my days!!

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