Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Support Me NESCAFÉ® KICK-START™ Entrepreneur Edition!


Friends, I need your favor, please vote me. I made it into the Top 100 of the NESCAFÉ® KICK-START™ Entrepreneur Edition!

Support me by VOTING for my Business Plan Overview and you may just help me win the NESCAFÉ® KICK-START™ Entrepreneur Edition.

Do visit my page and don't forget to leave me a comment or two.Click here to view my Business Plan Over or copy and paste the link below to your browser:
URL : http://www.kickstart.com.my/program/entrepreneur/participants/mystall.htm

Thanks you so much to vote. I really appreciate.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Why are you fat?

Welcome to read.
Your quest to loss some weight if you are interested, will not see the light until you identify why you are fat in the first instance and then work to avoid all the identified reasons. Though in the beginning, a lot of fat people do not want to accept that they are fat and usually pick a quarrel if anyone makes an observation, there comes a time when they can no longer hide from it.
The thing is, when you finally agree that you are fat, do you just say ‘okay, I know am fat and there is nothing I can do about it’. Then put up with it? Or do you take up the challenge and start doing something about it?
So why are you fat?Link

Friday, December 19, 2008

Make Money Through Email (Malaysian Style)

Hope everyone in good mood. Me? Always in good mood even it not good days. Just pretending nothing happen.Oklah,.do you ever wonder to make money online just using your email. I m talking here for real money. Just work on your spare time if you like.

If you have spent any amount of time on the Internet, you have probably come across websites that promise big money for doing very little. In truth, you're not going to make "big money," but you can indeed earn cash for doing something as simple as reading email.

There are sites that pay you a few cents at a time to read email offers from third-party companies. But this site i write here, pay you 50% profits for every email you send. How?


Thursday, December 18, 2008

BidVertiser now supports Malay websites

So what today? Ermm.. i got email from BidVertiser Support Team has announce that BidVertiser now supports Malay websites! Wow!! Cool lor. For anyone not know about BidVertiser is “onsite bid-per-click” option that is a “3rd generation bidding-based marketplace connecting web publishers with advertisers.” As such, its main concentration is on linking together advertisers who wish to become involved in partnerships, affiliateships, or referral-type programs

Bidvertiser is a subsidiary of Bpath, established in 1997 as an international services provider for websites. Bpath’s approach to business is to develop and offer private label website functions for leading web hosting and domain registration providers. With more than half a million webmasters in its network. Link

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Bingkisan Dari NEO: New Gmail Themes

Bingkisan Dari NEO: New Gmail Themes: "Adsense Affiliate Advice Affiliate Program Ebook Marketing Entertaiment Facebook Free ebook Freebies FuFu NEO Vid General Google Health and Fitness Internet Internet Marketing Internet Tips Islam Jumaat Make Money Malaysia Media Myspace Personal Reference Website Review Bar SEO Social Media Software Spoff Sports Technology Tips Tricks Wallpaper Website Traffic Windows YouthSays"

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

New Gmail Themes

I had a surprise when I opened up my Gmail yesterday. Maybe some of Gmail owner know about this feature or maybe not. This is a good feature, Google have implemented themes to their email services. Some of the thme are just basic colour changes, while others features images that changes according to your location, local time, sunrise, sunset and weather. Cool uh!
Let see the theme..Link

Monday, November 24, 2008

Can you really make a good living online for yourself?

Hurmmm..see the post title. Everyone seems to promise me that they can but they seem to forget that I have been here many times before and I was burnt.I have purchased many of these promises in the past going to bed every night thinking that the following day will bring a turn around, but nothing happened. If you're like me and you're unsure at this moment, try and see it from another point of view. There is a load of junk on the internet but don't think that it is all junk.Link

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Pssstt..Secret Tips For Generating Web Traffic

Greetings friends,So, do you have a website or blog? Do you know generating traffic to your website can be easy if you know the little secrets about how to drive massive volumes of traffic at no cost.This post presents some secret ways through which you can easily boost traffic to your website. From Wikipedia, Web traffic is the amount of data sent and received by visitors to a web site. It is a large portion of Internet traffic. This is determined by the number of visitors and the number of pages they visit. Sites monitor the incoming and outgoing traffic to see which parts or pages of their site are popular and if there are any apparent trends, such as one specific page being viewed mostly by people in a particular country. There are many ways to monitor this traffic and the gathered data is used to help structure sites, highlight security problems or indicate a potential lack of bandwidth — not all web traffic is welcome.Some companies offer advertising schemes that, in return for increased web traffic (visitors), pay for screen space on the site. Sites also often aim to increase their web traffic through inclusion on search engines and through Search engine optimization.Check it on..Link

Monday, November 17, 2008

Make Money Managing Your Investment From Home

Good day everyone,Money, investment, investment, money..oh! When we think about investing our money, rarely we think about how can we manage our investment from home. For instead, we immediately think about third party managed investment option or putting it in a bank CD.I am not expert on this matter, only try to make right things. When i think about it, and speak up my mind, i decide that the best person to manage my money was me. Mean, i would not go out to look for investment options, i would rather manage my investment from home, from my pc.Link

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Bingkisan Dari NEO: How to Actually Rank For Any Keyword With a Legitimate Search Engine "Loophole"...

Everyone wants to have their site rank well in Google.And why not? Not only can Google send you a boatload of free traffic - it's also highly targeted, and it's one of the best ways to drive business.The problem is, that exact same ideal is shared with thousands of your direct competitors. This creates an environment where you'll always be fighting, kicking and scratching to maintain your traffic - along with the ever present fear that your livelihood is only one "algorithm update" away from vanishing.And that's if you can even get ranked for any decent keyword, to begin with...follow link read more Link

Monday, November 10, 2008

Bingkisan Dari NEO: Little Time On Facebook, Save Your Days

Friends, do you have Facebook account? You know social networking can take up entire of your day. In the morning, you sit down in front your PC, you open your Facebook see several event invite and friend request. You find something catches your eyes,friends staus update and bla bla bla, you not become aware time racing by while you reading and responding to the event. So, do you possibly get your work done in time? Read more experince more Link

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Bingkisan Dari NEO: Things to avoid when trying to lose weight

Dieting is not always easy. In fact, it can prove a tough challenge for many people. So here’s a little guide to avoiding things that could make you lose control and start eating. Avoid them like plague if you wish to succeed. Link

Friday, November 7, 2008

Bingkisan Dari NEO: Alexander not Zulkarnain?

Alexander the Great not Iskandar Zulkarnain? One question still not yet fully answered.Some have opinion said they are equivalent figure, only own another name. How true it is? Islam is beautiful and Allah SWT power also cover the whole universe, is difficult for us to explore & explain. Read more..follow link Link

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Bingkisan Dari NEO: FuFu NEO Video: Bill Gates - Win98 Crashes On Live Demo


Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Hello-hello!! Blog aku dah berpindah ke..


Friday, August 1, 2008

Gila lama

Hahaha lama gila dah aku x update blog aku sendiri, asyik update blog yang lain ajer..Ermmm..

Hari dah 1 Ogos dah, ada jugak peningkatan hehehehe..oklah nak update blog lain pulak

Thursday, April 24, 2008








Wednesday, April 16, 2008


editor note:i am not against any religions on this world because in Islam not forced.Iam muslim, what i post just for knowledge not for promotes hatred or violence or bullying.


Kita membesar dgn menonton G-Force, Transformers, Thundercats, Silver,Hawk, Woody Woodpecker, Chipmunks n Mickey Mouse. Not to forget NinjaTurtles, Mask, Smurfs dan Voltron. lg satu Gaban.

Berus gigi time waktu rehat kat skolah rendah?...hmm, mesti pegang cawan warna-warni kan. mencangkung kat tepi parit dgn classmates semua kat seblah...

ingat tak, misi kat skolah masuk kelas dgn list dentist appointment.Pastu bunyi gigi member kite kene gerudi kat bilik sebelah. ada gigiyang berlubang, kene laa tampal.

ni sure korang igt...program minum susu di skolah. nak galakkan budak2 time tuh minum susu. sekotak 30 sen jek beb...

cikgu2 kalau nak denda, mesti guna pembaris panjang warna kuning tu.Pukul tapak tangan...kan?

semangkuk mi sup ke, mihun sup ke, 50 sen jek kat kantin.

time skolah menengah, korang sure beli kasut skolah Bata BM Turbo atau Pallas Jazz. ada yang suka kasut high-cut yang buatan china tu....ada yang suka stoking tebal laaa...

internet? email? Menda alah ape tu?

CD? ape tu? kaset tape penah laa dgr.. Tiket wayang pun 5 inggit je.

kite pegi kedai runcit, beli Chickerdis, Mamee , Kum Kum, UFO, O-Ya,Ding Dang chocolate balls yang ada mainan kat dlm die, 'telur' keras warna warni, 'rokok' chewing gum, KIKI Bubble Gum. tak dilupakan, 'Ti Kam'. bile dah abih exam, main Monopoly la, Donkey la, Happy Family laa dlm class.

tapi bunyi loceng laa yang paling best skali. boleh beli aiskrim ngan apek kat luar skola tuh...

lagi satu loceng masa nak pegi rehat. tinggal kan keje skolah, jom kita pegi makan. budak2 yg dpt Rancangan Makanan Tambahan (RMT) mesti kluar awal.

lagi satu yang seronok mase time Pendidikan Jasmani, PJ. main bola laa, rounders laa...

permainan kegemaran, main guli, batu seremban, penutup botol, batang aiskrim, 'Pepsi Cola one-two-three' , 'Police & Sentry', main kejar2 duduk...

kita hilangkan dahaga dgn aiskrim 10 sen. Yang tube aiskrim, ada byk2 color tu.kalau nak makan, kene patahkan kat tengah2 die!

lipat kertas kecik2, pastuh buat lastik. hmmm..ni pun kita main dulu ni. baling2 kapur laa.

hmm...budak2 skarang, bagi diorg, diorg mane penah dgr lagu 'We Are the World, We Are the Children...' dan lagu 'Uptown Girl' yang diorg tau,ygWestlife nyanyi....bkn Billy Joel nyanyi...

bagi diorg, ada satu je Jerman kat dunia ni, dan ade satu je Vietnam.

AIDS wujud sejak diorg lahir.

CD pun wujud time diorg lahir.

Michael Jackson dah putih dah time tu.

Diorg percaya Spiderman dgn Incredible Hulk tu filem2 baru.

Diorg tak bley bayangkan skrin hitam putih utk sebuah komputer.

Diorg tak penah tau pun 'Atari' dgn 'Game & Watch'.

Diorg tak percaya penah ada TV hitam putih... dan diorg skarang tak reti nak switch on TV kalau xde remote control.

dan diorg tak paham macam mane kite boleh survive dkt universiti tanpa handphone....

hmm...jom kite check, kite ni dah tua ke:

1. korg paham ape yang korang baca kat atas ni, dan korg sure tersenyum

2. kebanyakan member2 skolah menengah kite dah kawin

3. korg sure pelik bile nengok bdak2 kecik main komputer, selamba je

4. kita geleng kepala bile nengok bdak2 skolah menengah guna handphone

5. kita dah tak byk sembang2 dgn member melalui telefon lagi setiap

6. bile jumpe member lame dari semasa ke semasa, seronok bile
pasal cerite2 lame, cerite2 kelakar yang kite alami mase dulu time
kecik2, nakal2 dulu...

7. last skali, bile dah bace testimonial ni, korang akan terpikir utk
forwardkan dkt member2 lame korg.Sure diorg suke punye laa...heheh

tapi apa yang pentinglahkan..bila kenangkan saat ni semua dgn mendalam..mgkin ada diantara kita mengalirkan air mata.. yelah mana taknya bebudak zaman skrg walhal anak sendiri pun takkan lalui zaman yg sebegitu lagi..sayangnya masa begitu pantas berlalu...Dimanakah kita??? Also, jangan lupa pada kawan kita yang dah tiada (Ramatullah) Al- Fatihah!


Aku dapat email dari rakan aku:-
Tolong sebarkan email ni pada semua umat Islam. Kalau nak beli AL-QURAN yang dicetak dalam edisi baru. Hati-hatilah kerana ada 4 surah palsu ciptaan KAFIR laknatullah. Surah-surah itu adalah :


Jangan sesekali layari laman web
www.thequran.com (Father Zakaria) keranasegala isinya adalah palsu. Sebarkan email ini kepada umat Islam seramaiyang mungkin!!!

Sebarkan jika anda sayangkan ISLAM....

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

My Band (Beneath The Remains) New Song Upload..

Hello, please check it on BTR myspace..enjoy!
Track num 4..
Beneath The Remain :: Myspace

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Selamat Menyambut Maal Hijrah 1429H

To all my Muslim brothers and sisters, I wish you a blessed Maal Hijrah. Semoga hari-hari yang mendatang kita semakin tabah menghadapi segala dugaan & yakin akan keKuasasan Allah s.w.t. Yang senang tak mungkin selama nya senang yang susah tak mungkin selama nya susah. Berdoalah & berusaha untuk sesuatu yang baik.

Diiringi doa semoga dikurniakan Allah (SWT) iman yang semakin bertambah, ilmu yang bermanfaat, kesihatan yang terbaik, keluasan rezeki yang halal, kecukupan dari segala keperluan, ketenangan hakiki, rahmat juga barakah yang berterusan sehingga ke akhir hayat. Saya berdoa kita sentiasa dalam taufik, hidayah, perlindungan & pemeliharaan Allah (SWT) SWT. Ameen Ya Rabbal Aa’lamin.

This video is ANTI-ZIONIST. The point of this is to educate people on the history of the zionist movement and actions of the elite zionists in todays world.

Talk Extracts by Abdel Malik Ali at flag post at UCI on the forth day of a week-long yearly event titled Isreael: Apartheid Resurrected. Speech was on 05/17/07.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Nama Syaitan Dalam Al-Fatihah

Salam..ermm ari tue aku dapat emel dari membe aku pasal nie.So aku nak kongsi ler pada yang lain.Semoga boleh dimanfaatkan Al-Fatihah adalah satu rukun dalam solat, apabila cacat bacaannya maka rosaklah solat. Oleh itu perbaikilah bacaannya dengan ilmu tajwid. Bukan setakat bacaannya saja rosak malah kita menyebut nama syaitan di dalam solat kita. Berikut diperturunkan nama syaitan laknat yang wujud didalam Al-Fatihah, sekiranya kita tidak

Nama syaitan

1. DU LI LAH (bila dibaca tiada sabdu)sepatutnya DULILLAH

2. HIR ROB (bila dibaca dengan sabdu)sepatutnya HI ROB

3. KIYYAU (bila dibaca dengan sabdu)sepatutnya KI YAU

4. KANNAK (bila dibaca dengan sabdu)sepatutnya KA NAK

5. KANNAS (bila dibaca dengan sabdu)sepatutnya KA NAS

6. Iya (disebut tanpa sabdu) sepatutnya Iyya. Iya bermaksud 'matahari'

Dalam ayat ke 5,jika salah bacaannya akan bermaksud "kepada mataharilah yang kami sembah dan kepada matahari kami meminta pertolongan"!!!!

7. SIROTHOLLAZI............. sehingga habis hendaklah dibaca tanpa henti.

8. AMIN .hendaklah mengaminkan Al-Fatihah dengan betul iaitu AA...dua harakat, MIN.... 3 harakat, semoga Amin kita bersamaan dengan Amin malaikat Insya-Allah. semoga kita menjadi orang yang sentiasa membaiki bacaannya.

Perhatian ;

Sebarkan hukum Allah walaupun satu ayat semoga kita mendapat rahmatNya,


Sunday, January 6, 2008

Beneath The Remains - Trapped

I feeling so bored, so make this music video with i mix up with my band song "Trapped". I mix up with Lamb Of God,Korn,Soulfly, Limb Bizkit, Hatebreed,joey jordison,Machine Head,& Ill Nino music video. Don't get angry ya!! We are from Malaysia, d.i.y label visit our myspace http://www.myspace.com/beneathremains

Udah lama aku wat clip nie, ari tue dah upload kat YouTube, tapi acc aku dah kene delete plak..hantu betul.So aku wat acc baru, aku upload balik vid nie..ish dengki betul YouTube..hampeh!

Apa pun..layan jer ler ek..aku buat suka2 jer, lagu Mr. Alon tue (respect gila mamat nie), dlu lagu nie Stubborn DC yg punya, lepas dh tuka line up Beneath The Remains plak nama nye, masuk vokal baru lirik pun lain..dulu sorang jer nyanyi (John BTR) skunk masuk aku skali nyanyi..hehehehe

Layan jer ler yea... \m/\m/\m/

Tuesday, January 1, 2008


Alhamdulillah! Sekarang dah masuk tahun 2008 dah. Huhuhu..usia semakin meningkat hahaha. Lama jugak yea aku tak update blog aku nie. Al- maklum la sibuk hehehe. Ok lah tue..
Ermm...asal masuk tahun baru jer semua orang perkatakan tentang azam baru. Bagi aku ler nak mula kan azam tak payah tunggu tahun baru pun boleh yea tak? Apa-apa kene jugak ler dah macam jadi trend pulak.

Oklah azam tahun baru bagi 2008 nie, aku nak continue azam aku tahun lepas yang tercapai hahahaha..agak banyak bebenor main jer sampai awek pun menjauh (padan muka aku). Yang penting tahun nie jugak aku kene finish study aku & tumpu business e-commerce aku.

Oklah, nak usha hit logs business aku jap. Pada semua all best ya!! Mwah!

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