Showing posts with label Friday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Friday. Show all posts

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Hari Jumaat Yang Tenang

Salam, Alhamdulillah hari ke 2 Ramadhan. Hari aku puasa wei..Yahoo! Hehehehe..Hari ini Jumaat. Kalau korang nak tahu hari jumaat ler yang paling tenang. Sebab apa aku kata cam tue. sebab esok dah cuti dah, dah masuk hari minggu. Kalau korang tak percaya, orang yang berkerja yang paling gembira sebab dah cuti esok hari nye sama gak ngan budak2 sekolah hehehehe.. Lagi satu hari Jumaat korang akan rase redup je, kalau ujan pun ujan dier sgt ler harmoni nye hahahaha.

Wah! Syok nye hari Jumaat. Hari Jumaat kene pie Solat Jumaat. Bestkan, kita boleh tengok masjid penuh. Dengar pulak khutbah alahai ada masuk pengethuan sikit dan bagi rasa kesedaran pada diri kita. Kekadang kita lupa apa yang penting dalam hidup.Idak ler asyik ingat duit je. :). Jumaat ada lah hari yang paling istimewa.

Tetapi di negara-negara barat yang kebanyakan penduduknya beragama Kristian, ada sesetengah orang yang percaya akan tahayul percaya jika hari Jumaat jatuh pada 13hb, hari itu dianggap hari yang malang. Di dalam agama Kristian juga, ada satu hari perayaan yang jatuh pada hari Jumaat yang dipanggil Good Friday. Good Friday jatuh pada hari Jumaat sebelum Easter.

Hari Jumaat merupakan hari kelepasan am/hari bekerja separuh hari bagi negeri-negeri di utara dan pantai timur Semenanjung Malaysia. Ah! Lagi hari Jumaat, korang boleh usah awek-awek yang ayu sebab kebanyakan mereka pakai baju kurung. Tak ke ayu tue. Cantik jer. (Aku suka awek pakai Kebaya ..hehehe)

Meh aku cerita Kelebihan Hari Jumaat dari sudut Islam.

Imam Al-Ghazzali berkata bahawa Nabi s.a.w. bersabda yang bermaksud sebaik-baik hari yang terbit padanya matahari adalah hari Jumaat.Pada hari itu dijadikan Adam a.s. dan pada hari Jumaatlah terjadinya kiamat.

"Sesungguhnya hari Jumaat adalah penghulu segala hari dan semulia-mulia hari di sisi Allah."

Imam Al-Ghazzali menambah bahawa Kaab Al-Ahbar (seorang tabien dan ulama yahudi yang memeluk ugama islam pd zaman Saiyidina Abu Bakar) berkata burung-burung dan haiwan apabila bertemu satu sama lain pada hari Jumaat mengucapkan "Selamat, selamat hari yang baik".

Imam Al-Ghazzali juga berkata malam Jumaat mempunyai banyak kelebihan dan disunnahkan pd mereka yg mempunyai isteri bersatu pd malam itu.

Doa Antara Dua Khutbah

Kebanyakan ulama berpendapat waktunya adalah antara dua khutbah, iaitu pd saat imam sedang duduk setelah khutbah pertama sebelum beliau bangun utuk khutbah kedua. Saat inilah saat yang paling dimustajabkan doa.

Sedekah Pada Hari Jumaat

Bersedekah membawa pahala yang besar. Ia menjauhkan bala, menjauhkan penyakit dan mendekatkan diri kepada Allah. Apalagi jika dilakukan pada hari Jumaat. (Tambah pulak di bulan Ramadhan lagi ler berlipat ganda)

Mati Pada Malam Jumaat

Hadis nabi "Tidak seorang muslim yg mati pada hari Jumaat atau pada malam Jumaat kecuali diselamatkan Allah daripada fitnah kubur".

Kelebihan Menunaikan Sembahyang Jumaat

Nabi bersabda "Barangsiapa yg dapat menunaikan sembahyang Jumaat maka baginya disisi Allah pahala seratus orang yg mati syahid. Dan barangsiapa meninggalkan sembahyang Jumaat sebanyak 3 kali tanpa darurat, maka Allah akan mengecap hatinya".
Ibadah pada hari Jumaat.

Perjalan ke masjid - adalah sunnah mengambil jln yg jauh tetapi apabila pulang sunnah ambil jln yang dekat - Imam Al-Ghazzali.


Sabda nabi "Banyakkanlah berselawat ke atasku pd hari Jumaat kerana sesungguhnya ia adalah hari saksi (hari Jumaat) disaksikan oleh para malaikat.

Mandi dan Pakaian

Sunnah pada hari Jumaat memakai pakaian yang bersih, baru dan berwarna putih.

Memotong Kuku

Ibn Masud berkata "Mereka yg memotong kuku pd hari Jumaat, Allah akan sembuhkan dia dari segala penyakit dan berikannya keselamatan.

Wah! Hebat kan Hari Jumaat, :)

*Aku gie Terawih hari nie, abis aku buat..Alhamdulillah**

* Still miss sumone**

Friday, June 8, 2007

Friday is the best day of the week

Friday Prayer Beautiful Recitation

Nothing much today. I woke up, take bath then went to Mosque, because today is Friday. So, i went to Friday prayer. Ermm..let me explain to you'll about Friday prayer or in Malay Solat Jumaat.

Hurmm.. little bit about Friday Prayer must known!!
The Prophet Muhammad (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) described the tremendous status of Friday:

"The best day on which the sun rises is Friday. On this day Adam was created, on this day he entered paradise and on this day he was expelled from it. On this day the Hour (of judgement) will be established. Friday contains an hour during which no Muslim slave (of Allah) prays asking Allah for a good thing except that Allah will grant it to him." (Collected by At-Tirmidhi and others)

another one

Imam Bukhari and Muslim reported that Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) had said,

"We (Muslims) came last and yet we are the first on the day of judgment. They have received the books before us (meaning Torah and Injil). We have received the book after them (meaning the Qur’an). Friday was their day to be glorified. However, they disputed on that while Allah had told us Friday is the day to glorify. Thus they will follow us. The Jews glorify Saturday, and the Christians glorify Sunday."

The word Friday (jumuah) in Arabic comes from a root word that means, "to gather, bring together or congregate". One of the special characteristics of Friday is the congregational sermon (khutbah) and prayer. The sermon is a great blessing indeed; it provides teaching for the ignorant and reminding for the forgetful. For most Muslims, the Friday Prayer is the primary connection to the mosque and by extension the Muslim community. For this reason it is critical that both the khateeb (preacher or orator) and the congregant understand the guidance Islam has provided regarding the etiquette's and rulings of the Friday Prayer.

The first person to conduct the Friday Prayer was none other than our beloved Prophet Muhammad (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). He used the Friday Prayer to teach and exhort his noble companions, and to strengthen their relationship with Allah. We must strive to learn from this example. OK!

It is an obligation for men (and is recommended for women) to perform Jumu'ah in congregation (jama'ah) at a mosque. Women also have the option of performing the dhuhr prayer instead, either privately or in a mosque. Anyone who is unable to join a congregation for jumu'ah is required to make up the prayer with a regular dhuhr prayer.

Among what is considered an acceptable reason for missing jumu'ah is for the person to be sick in a way that going to the mosque is either a serious hardship on him or potentially harmful to other people (e.g. having a contagious illness).

The jumu'ah prayer is shorter than the dhuhr prayer (consisting of two raka'ah instead of four) to allow for the weaker seniors and juniors to participate, and it is preceded by a sermon (khutba) delivered in two parts by a speaker (khatib).

The sermon, which is a technical replacement of the two reduced raka'ahs of the ordinary dhuhr prayer, is followed by a communal prayer, led by the (imam). In most cases the khatib also serves as the imam.

The sermons often have a strong practical slant, trying to integrate and apply Islamic beliefs and historical teachings into contemporary daily life. In many Islamic societies, jumu'ah often has a significant community or even political role.

That what i know la..but it the truth!!


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