Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Google Blogger untuk Dummies (Buku untuk belajar blogger)

Sekarang aku nak bincang pasal buku. Korang mesti ada jumpa buku yang macam ini kat MPH bookstore tak pun kedai - kedai buku. Perkataan terakhirnya "Dummies" (mungkin kasar bunyi nyer kan). Contoh bukunya seperti Computers for Dummies, C++ for Dummies, Wordpress for Dummies dan macam - macam lagi yang berakhir dengan dummies. Maksudnya bukan buku untuk orang bodoh lah, tapi aku rasa "cara-cara mudah memahami sesuatu terma dan perkara" itu aja. Ilmu beb!Link

Monday, February 2, 2009

GIMP alternative to Photoshop

Oklah, GIMP is an acronym for GNU Image Manipulation Program. It's free source to process digital graphics and photographs. Some of task are photo retouching, image composition and image authoring. Also GIMP used to create basic animated images in GIF format.Cool uh! It has many capabilities.
Although it's not as advanced as PhotoShop, you can do almost everything you need. Remember it's not PhotoShop clone ya. GIMP is expandable and extensible.
The current version of GIMP works with numerous operating systems, including most Linux distributions, Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X Released under the terms of the GNU General Public License.

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